> It's worth noting there is a newer way which is usually slightly simpler
> than a match_operator. Specifically code iterators.

Thank you for the very detailed feedback. It is not a problem to add code 
iterators. I would add iterators for "eq" and "ne" in riscv/iterators.md since 
they don't currently exist:

> (define_code_iterator any_eq [eq ne])

I would also add new <optab> values for "eq" and "ne". I assume it would be 
best to submit the patch again as version 2 with these changes.

> The pattern uses shifted_const_arith_operand, which is good as it
> validates that the constant, if normalized by shifting away its trailing
> zeros fits in a simm12.
> But the normalization you're doing on the two constants is limited by
> the smaller of trailing zero counts.  So operands2 might be 0x8100 which
> requires an 8 bit shift for normalization.  operands3 might be 0x81000
> which requires a 12 bit shift for normalization.  In that case we'll use
> 8 as our shift count for normalization, resulting in:
> 0x8100 >> 8 = 0x81, a valid small operand
> 0x81000 >> 8 = 0x810, not a valid small operand.
> I think that'll generate invalid RTL at split time.
> What I think you need to do is in the main predicate (the same place
> you're currently !SMALL_OPERAND (INTVAL (operands[3]))), you'll need to
> check that both operands are SMALL_OPERAND after normalization.

Regarding the second issue, thanks again for the clear explanation. While at 
first this might seem like a problem, I believe these cases won't actually be a 

The comparisons you mentioned, (x & 0x81000) == 0x8100 and (x & 0x8100) == 
0x81000, will always evaluate as false, and this pattern will never be used for 
them (https://godbolt.org/z/Y11EGMb4f).

Even in general, I'm quite sure we will never encounter an operand, after 
shifting, greater than 2^11 (i.e. not a SMALL_OPERAND). I will provide my 
reasoning below, but if you find it incorrect, or have any counterexamples, I 
would be happy to make the requested changes, add the mentioned check and 
submit that as PATCH v2.

Lets consider the general expression (x & c1) == c2, where t1 and t2 represent 
the counts of trailing zeros in each constant. There are three cases to 
1. When t1 == t2: The pattern works fine, with no edge cases.
2. When t1 > t2: The expression will always evaluate as false, and the pattern 
won’t even be considered. For example, (x & 0x81000) == 0x8100.
3. When t1 < t2: In this case:
   - c1 must be of the form 0x0KLM00 (where the highest bit of K cannot be set) 
to meet the shifted_const_arith_operand constraint, ensuring 
SMALL_OPERAND(0x0KLM) == true (i.e. 0x0KLM < 2^11).
   - To prevent the expression from immediately evaluating as false, c2 must be 
in the form 0x0PQ<0bxxx0>00, where this value has to have only 0 or 1 in bit 
positions where c1 has 1 (and 0 elsewhere). Otherwise, (x & c1) == c2 would 
instantly be false, so this pattern wouldn’t be used. Lets call this "the 
critical condition".
   - After shifting c1 and c2, we have c1 == 0xKLM and c2 == 0xPQ<0bxxx0>, 
assuming the LSB of M is set to 1.
   - Due to "the critical condition", c2 == 0xPQ<0bxxx0> cannot have the 
highest bit of P set to 1. Otherwise, (x & c1) == c2 would immediately evaluate 
as false, since 0xKLM is guaranteed not to have the highest bit of K set to 1. 
This guarantees that SMALL_OPERAND(0xPQ<0bxxx0>) will always be true (i.e. c2 < 
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