On 8/8/24 06:21, Tobias Burnus wrote:
Update for the very recently released TR13. Unsurprisingly, most item are still unimplemented.
https://www.openmp.org/specifications/ → Technical Report 13

Comments, suggestions, typo fixes? — If not, I will commit it later today.

I've got a few things...

 @item @code{workdistribute} directive for Fortran @tab N
-      @tab Renamed just after TR12; added in TR12 as @code{coexecute}
+      @tab Intermittendly known as @code{coexecute}

"Intermittendly" isn't a word. I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, but I don't think we need to document things that are not part of any official standard and were never implemented in GCC.

+@item Deprecation of the @code{target_data_op}, @code{target},
+      @code{target_map and target_submit} callbacks and as value that
+      @code{set_callback} must return @tab N @tab

Do you mean "@code{target_map} and @code{target_submit}"?

And s/as value/as values/ (since there are more than one).

+@item The @code{values ompt_target_data_transfer_to_device},
+      @code{ompt_target_data_transfer_from_device},
+      @code{ompt_target_data_transfer_to_device_async} and
+      @code{ompt_target_data_transfer_from_device_async} were deprecated > +   
   @tab N @tab

Doesn't say what the things with these names are.  How about

"The .... enumerators for the @code{target_data_op} OMPT type were deprecated."


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