On Mon, 25 Jun 2012, Diego Novillo wrote:

> [ Added doc maintainers in CC ]
> While I'm not particularly interested in the details of the coding
> conventions, I am interested in getting them in getting them installed
> before we merge cxx-conversion to trunk.
> Joseph, Gerald, do we have a process for accepting changes to coding
> conventions?

I suggest sending smaller (so easier to review) patches that are concrete 
and avoid speculation about possible future changes.

> > +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#C_Options">Compiler Options</a><br />

I don't like this repeated &nbsp; presentational markup; use appropriate 
logical markup instead.

> > +<p>
> > +We will periodically pick a stable version of GCC,
> > +and require that that version of GCC be able to build
> > +all versions of GCC up to and including the next stable version.
> > +E.g., we may decide that all newer versions of GCC
> > +should be buildable with GCC 4.3.5.

The current version required is more important than speculation about 
future changes.  E.g., say that code must build with GCC 4.1 and later.

> > +<h4><a name="Assertions">Assertions</a></h4>
> > +
> > +<p>Code should use <code>gcc_assert(EXPR)</code> to check invariants.
> > +Use <code>gcc_unreachable()</code> to mark places that should never be
> > +reachable (such as an unreachable <code>default</code> case of a
> > +switch).  Do not use <code>gcc_assert(0)</code> for such purposes, as
> > +<code>gcc_unreachable</code> gives the compiler more information.  The
> > +assertions are enabled unless explicitly configured off with
> > +<code>--enable-checking=none</code>.  Do not use <code>abort</code>.
> > +User input should never be validated by either <code>gcc_assert</code>
> > +or <code>gcc_unreachable</code>.  If the checks are expensive or the
> > +compiler can reasonably carry on after the error, they may be
> > +conditioned on <code>--enable-checking</code>.</p>

I don't think any of this is new - perhaps you could separate 
rearrangement from the actual changes and C++ conventions?

> > +<h4><a name="Calls">Function Calls</a></h4>
> > +
> > +<p>
> > +All current GCC code uses a space between the function name
> > +and the left parenthesis in a function call.
> > +Essentially all C++ code omits that space,
> > +which is more consistent with C++ syntax.
> > +For the present we will retain the space.
> > +It is possible that in the future we will switch the code with a flag day.
> > +</p>

Avoid speculation.  Avoid duplicating the GNU Coding Standards.  
Formatting can be assumed to follow the GNU Coding Standards except where 
they are meaningless for C++ or something explicitly overrides them.

> > +<p>
> > +Think carefully about the size and performance impact
> > +of virtual functions and virtual bases
> > +before using them.
> > +</p>

Explain in more detail what the size and performance impact is for people 
not familiar with the details of how C++ features are implemented.

> > +<p>
> > +Indent protection labels by one space.
> > +</p>
> > +
> > +<p>
> > +Indent class members by two spaces.

Do all the listed indentation rules correspond to what a <TAB> will do by 
default when editing C++ code in GNU Emacs?  If not, we have conflicting 
notions of GNU C++ indentation conventions.

Joseph S. Myers

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