HI Jason, I was hoping to have -Wno-invalid-noreturn=explicit directly disable explicit noreturn warnings for instance, following the style of the -Wno-attributes=vendor:: option, while the pattern in -fstrong-eval-order seems to be that of using RejectNegative and handling each specified positive case rather than disabling the unwanted case, which would mean one would have to write -Winvalid-noreturn=explicit to avoid implicit noreturns, which at least I found to be less clear. If there was a way to only allow the -Wno form of a warning option, I feel it would be simpler to implement this (A positive form like -Winvalid-noreturn=explicit wouldn't make much sense since gcc already warns for it even without the option, in my opinion), but I don't think there's a RejectPositive variant of RejectNegative, unfortunately. I can change it to be more like -fstrong-eval-order if needed, but I feel that is less clear than just allowing the user to disable the warning variant directly
I'm a little unsure about the noreturn warnings being a Common warning now actually, any warnings implemented under the gcc directory and not under c/c-family/cp is a Common warning right? Just need some confirmation to be sure I'll revert the semicolon fix for mingw and propose that separately, but I'll leave further discussion about the other review comments raised for this patch for a later time, since it seems to me that I'll be rewriting the patch again and possibly removing some code that was reviewed, so I'll save it for when the patch is more stable best regards, Julian