On Jun 25, 2024, Richard Sandiford <richard.sandif...@arm.com> wrote:

>> Richard (Sandiford), do you happen to recall why the IRC conversation
>> mentioned in the PR trail decided to drop it entirely, even for signed
>> types?

> In the PR, the original shift was 32768 >> x (x >= 16) on ints, which the
> vectoriser was narrowing to 32768 >> x' on shorts.  The original shift is
> well-defined for both signed and unsigned shifts, and no valid x' exists
> for that case.

It sounds like shifts on shorts proper, that would have benefitted from
the optimization, was not covered and thus there may be room for
reconsidering, eh?

Alexandre Oliva, happy hacker            https://FSFLA.org/blogs/lxo/
   Free Software Activist                   GNU Toolchain Engineer
More tolerance and less prejudice are key for inclusion and diversity
Excluding neuro-others for not behaving ""normal"" is *not* inclusive

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