On 12/06/24 12:33 +0200, Rene Rebe wrote:
Hey there,

I wanted to come back to maintaining the ia64 port as discussed
preciously the other month on the gcc list.

It has been some days as we were busy releasing the biggest release of
our Embdded T2/Linux distribution [0] and we obviously did not want to
propose to enable LRA for IA-64 in the last last days of the gcc 14
release process.

We used the time to further stability test the LRA enabled GCC built
in T2/Linux and set up running the GCC testsuite accordingly for which
Frank posted test results from GCC git for reference [1] and w/ LRA
[2] enabled with only minimal changes, but also some new testsuite
passes. Due to the -j4 run I summed up the text files result manually
in LibreOffice:

But the .sum files already combine all the results into one file.

35572, 31789
33273, 28492
37189, 36804
28735, 37634
sum 134769, 134719

69349, 61058
61467, 63545
61614, 63752
56027, 60102
sum 248457, 248457

18895, 17502
19329, 19051
13950, 17583
17442, 15482
sum 69616, 69618

693, 783
760, 669
609, 649
716, 677
sum 2778, 2778

4495, 4635
4001, 3629
3958, 4580
4970, 4580
sum 17424, 17424

The LRA enabled built Linux kernel and whole user-land packages boot
and function normally, too.

Instead of looking into random test suite failures, I would first
rather try to allocate some time to look into some build failures for
more advanced real-world open source packages that I observered over
the last years and already occured unrelated of the LRA enablement.

> On Mar 7, 2024, at 20:08, Richard Biener <rguent...@suse.de> wrote:
>> I saw the deprecation of ia64*-*-* scrolling by [1].
>> Which surprised me, as (minor bugs aside) gcc ia64*-*-linux just works for 
us and
>> we still actively support it as part of our T2 System Development 
Environment [2].
>> For ia64 we are currently a team of three and also keep maintaining 
linux-kernel and
>> glibc git trees with ia64 restored and hope to bring back ia64 to linux 
upstream the
>> coming months as promised. [3]
>> Despite popular believe ia64 actually just works for all those projects and 
we already
>> fixed the few minor bugs we could find or reproduce.
>> Last week I also already patched and tested enabling LRA for ia64 in gcc [4] 
and could
>> -without any regression- compile a full ia64 T2/Linux release ISO that boots 
and runs
>> including an X desktop and Gtk applications. That was of course even with 
the latest
>> linux kernel and glibc versions with ia64 support restored respectively.
>> Given there are currently no other volunteers, I therefore with this email 
step up and
>> offer to become ia64 maintainer for GCC to keep the code compiling, tested 
>> un-deprecated for the next years and releases to come.
> You’re welcome - we look forward to LRA enablement with ia64 and for it to 
get an
> active maintainer.  Note maintainers are appointed by the Steering Committee.

[0] https://t2sde.org/
[1] https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-testresults/2024-May/816346.html
[2] https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-testresults/2024-May/816422.html

 René Rebe, ExactCODE GmbH, Lietzenburger Str. 42, DE-10789 Berlin
 https://exactcode.com | https://t2sde.org | https://rene.rebe.de

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