Iain Sandoe <i...@sandoe.co.uk> writes:
> Hi Richard,
>> On 26 Oct 2023, at 21:00, Iain Sandoe <i...@sandoe.co.uk> wrote:
>>> On 26 Oct 2023, at 20:49, Richard Sandiford <richard.sandif...@arm.com>
> wrote:
>>> Iain Sandoe <iains....@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> This was written before Thomas' modification to the ELF-handling to allow
>>>> a config-based change for target details.  I did consider updating this
>>>> to try and use that scheme, but I think that it would sit a little
>>>> awkwardly, since there are some differences in the start-up scanning for
>>>> Mach-O.  I would say that in all probability we could improve things but
>>>> I'd like to put this forward as a well-tested initial implementation.
>>> Sorry, I would prefer to extend the existing function instead.
>>> E.g. there's already some divergence between the Mach-O version
>>> and the default version, in that the Mach-O version doesn't print
>>> verbose messages.  I also don't think that the current default code
>>> is so watertight that it'll never need to be updated in future.
>> Fair enough, will explore what can be done (as I recall last I looked the
>> primary difference was in the initial start-up scan).
> I’ve done this as attached.
> For the record, when doing it, it gave rise to the same misgivings that led
> to the separate implementation before.
>  * as we add formats and uncover asm oddities, they all need to be handled
>    in one set of code, IMO it could be come quite convoluted.
>  * now making a change to the MACH-O code, means I have to check I did not
>    inadvertently break ELF (and likewise, in theory, an ELF change should 
> check
>    MACH-O, but many folks do/can not do that).
> Maybe there’s some half-way-house where code can usefully be shared without
> those down-sides.
> Anyway, to make progress, is the revised version OK for trunk? (tested on
> aarch64-linux and aarch64-darwin).

Sorry for the slow reply.  I was hoping we'd be able to share a bit more
code than that, and avoid an isMACHO toggle.  Does something like the
attached adaption of your patch work?  Only spot-checked on
aarch64-linux-gnu so far.

(The patch tries to avoid capturing the user label prefix, hopefully
avoiding the needsULP thing.)


diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/lib/scanasm.exp b/gcc/testsuite/lib/scanasm.exp
index 5df80325dff..2434550f0c3 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/lib/scanasm.exp
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/lib/scanasm.exp
@@ -785,23 +785,34 @@ proc configure_check-function-bodies { config } {
     # Regexp for the start of a function definition (name in \1).
     if { [istarget nvptx*-*-*] } {
-       set up_config(start) {^// BEGIN(?: GLOBAL|) FUNCTION DEF: 
+       set up_config(start) {
+           {^// BEGIN(?: GLOBAL|) FUNCTION DEF: ([a-zA-Z_]\S+)$}
+       }
+    } elseif { [istarget *-*-darwin*] } {
+       set up_config(start) {
+           {^_([a-zA-Z_]\S+):$}
+           {^LFB[0-9]+:}
+       }
     } else {
-       set up_config(start) {^([a-zA-Z_]\S+):$}
+       set up_config(start) {{^([a-zA-Z_]\S+):$}}
     # Regexp for the end of a function definition.
     if { [istarget nvptx*-*-*] } {
        set up_config(end) {^\}$}
+    } elseif { [istarget *-*-darwin*] } {
+       set up_config(end) {^LFE[0-9]+}
     } else {
        set up_config(end) {^\s*\.size}
     # Regexp for lines that aren't interesting.
     if { [istarget nvptx*-*-*] } {
        # Skip lines beginning with '//' comments ('-fverbose-asm', for
        # example).
        set up_config(fluff) {^\s*(?://)}
+    } elseif { [istarget *-*-darwin*] } {
+       set up_config(fluff) {^\s*(?:\.|//|@)|^L[0-9ACESV]}
     } else {
        # Skip lines beginning with labels ('.L[...]:') or other directives
        # ('.align', '.cfi_startproc', '.quad [...]', '.text', etc.), '//' or
@@ -833,9 +844,19 @@ proc parse_function_bodies { config filename result } {
     set fd [open $filename r]
     set in_function 0
     while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
-       if { [regexp $up_config(start) $line dummy function_name] } {
-           set in_function 1
-           set function_body ""
+       if { $in_function == 0 } {
+           if { [regexp [lindex $up_config(start) 0] \
+                        $line dummy function_name] } {
+               set in_function 1
+               set function_body ""
+           }
+       } elseif { $in_function < [llength $up_config(start)] } {
+           if { [regexp [lindex $up_config(start) $in_function] $line] } {
+               incr in_function
+           } else {
+               verbose "parse_function_bodies: skipped $function_name"
+               set in_function 0
+           }
        } elseif { $in_function } {
            if { [regexp $up_config(end) $line] } {
                verbose "parse_function_bodies: $function_name:\n$function_body"

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