On 2023/09/27 6:38, Jeff Law wrote:
> On 9/22/23 01:11, Tsukasa OI wrote:
>> Hello,
>> As I explained earlier:
>> <https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2023-August/626916.html>,
>> the builtin function for RISC-V "__builtin_riscv_zicbop_cbo_prefetchi" is
>> completely broken.  Instead, this patch set (in PATCH 1/2) creates three
>> new, working builtin intrinsics.
>> void __builtin_riscv_prefetch_i(void *addr, [intptr_t offset,] ...);
>> void __builtin_riscv_prefetch_r(void *addr, [intptr_t offset,] ...);
>> void __builtin_riscv_prefetch_w(void *addr, [intptr_t offset,] ...);
>> For consistency with "prefetch.i" and the reason I describe later (which
>> requires native instructions for "prefetch.r" and "prefetch.w"), I
>> decided
>> to make builtin functions for "prefetch.[rw]" as well.
>> Optional second argument (named "offset" here) defaults to zero and
>> must be
>> a compile-time integral constant.  Also, it must be a valid offset for a
>> "prefetch.[irw]" HINT instruction (x % 32 == 0 && x >= -2048 && x <
>> 2048).
>> They are defined if the 'Zicbop' extension is supported and expands to:
>>> prefetch.i offset(addr_reg)  ; __builtin_riscv_prefetch_i
>>> prefetch.r offset(addr_reg)  ; __builtin_riscv_prefetch_r
>>> prefetch.w offset(addr_reg)  ; __builtin_riscv_prefetch_w
>> The hardest part of this patch set was to support builtin function with
>> variable argument (making "offset" optional).  It required:
>> 1.  Support for variable argument function prototype for RISC-V builtins
>>      (corresponding "..." on C-based languages)
>> 2.  Support for (non-vector) RISC-V builtins with custom expansion
>>      (on RVV intrinsics, custom expansion is already implemented)
>> ... and PATCH 2/2 fixes an ICE while I'm investigating regular prefetch
>> builtin (__builtin_prefetch).  If the 'Zicbop' extension is enabled,
>> __builtin_prefetch with the first argument NULL or (not all but) some
>> fixed addresses (like ((void*)0x20)) can cause an ICE.  This is because
>> the "r" constraint is not checked and a constant can be a first argument
>> of target-specific "prefetch" RTL instruction.
>> PATCH 2/2 fixes this issue by:
>> 1.  Making "prefetch" not an instruction but instead an expansion
>>      (this is not rare; e.g. on i386) and
>> 2.  Coercing the address argument into a register in the expansion
>> It requires separate instructions for "prefetch.[rw]" and I decided to
>> make
>> those prefetch instructions very similar to "prefetch.i".  That's one
>> of the
>> reasons I created builtins corresponding those.
> What I still don't understand is why we're dealing with a decomposed
> address in the builtin, define_expand and/or define_insn.

Sorry, I misunderstood your intent (quite badly) possibly because I was
not familiar with the concept of "predicates" in GCC.

On 2023/08/29 6:20, Jeff Law wrote:
> What I would suggest is making a new predicate that accepts either a 
> register or a register+offset where the offset fits in a signed 12 bit 
> immediate.  Use that for operand 0's predicate and I think this will 
> "just work" and cover all the cases supported by the prefetch.i instruction.

I misunderstood that as "just" adding the offset field to the
instructions and that's the reason I veered off the path so much.  So
instead, I'll answer your original question.

register+offset seems a problem for prefetch instructions because signed
12 bit immediate values need to be also a multiple of 32.  There's no
proper relocation type for this kind and I considered we have "very"
limited cases where making such predicate (as you suggested) will
*efficiently* work.

My opinion is, if we need very fine-grained control with prefetch
instructions, we'd better to use inline assembly.

I'll continue testing the possibilities of register+offset predicate
(including whether it works efficiently) and I'll temporarily withdraw
new built-in functions to focus on major issues before GCC 14:

1.  Remove completely broken __builtin_riscv_zicbop_prefetch_i and
2.  Fix an ICE when __builtin_prefetch is used with some constants.

I'll submit minimized patches only to fix those issues.  They will not
contain "register+offset" you suggested because of the difficulties
above but should be sufficient to fix imminent issues.


> Have the builtin accept an address, any address.  Then use force_reg to
> force the address into a register in the expander.  My understanding is
> register indirect is always valid.
> Create an operand predicate that accepts reg and reg+d for the limited
> displacements allowed.  Use that for the address operand in the
> associated define_insn.
> It seems like you're making this more complex than it needs to be.  Or
> I'm missing something critically important.
> jeff

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