The 'description' words looked a bit misplaced when reading the full sentence.
Likewise "the libnuma" - I changed that to simply "libnuma". (Alternatives 
would be
"the libnuma library" or "the numa library".)

Hence, I fixed my own wording :-)

Committed as attached. See also

Siemens Electronic Design Automation GmbH; Anschrift: Arnulfstraße 201, 80634 
München; Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung; Geschäftsführer: Thomas 
Heurung, Frank Thürauf; Sitz der Gesellschaft: München; Registergericht 
München, HRB 106955
commit 50c5c9f94be7b26a2853f64909fa61ebf60086aa
Author: Tobias Burnus <>
Date:   Mon Sep 25 19:36:31 2023 +0200

    gcc-14/changes.html (OpenMP): Tweak manual-update wording
 htdocs/gcc-14/changes.html | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/htdocs/gcc-14/changes.html b/htdocs/gcc-14/changes.html
index 2ca05ad0..c817dde4 100644
--- a/htdocs/gcc-14/changes.html
+++ b/htdocs/gcc-14/changes.html
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ a work-in-progress.</p>
       The <a href="";>GNU Offloading and
       Multi Processing Runtime Library Manual</a> has been updated and extended,
-      improving especially the ICV description, memory allocation, and the
-      description of the environment variables and OpenMP routines. On Linux,
-      the <a href="";>libnuma</a> is now used
-      for allocators requesting the nearest-partition trait as detailed in the
-      manual.
+      improving especially the description of <abbr title="internal control
+      variables">ICVs</abbr>, memory allocation, environment variables and OpenMP
+      routines. On Linux, <a href="";>libnuma</a>
+      is now used for allocators requesting the nearest-partition trait as
+      detailed in the manual.

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