Hi Kito,
Can those intermediate patterns be used for intrinsic? I would prefer
to keep those stuff *IF* possible used for intrinsics.
I think we don't need those patterns for intrinisc. First, the deleted
pattern does not directly correspond to intrinisc. Second, if you want
to use these patterns to optimize the following intrinisc program (e.g.
combine to a single vwadd.vv instruction), we'd better fold them
directly into the internal function of autovec in Gimple IR.
vint32m1_t foo(vint16mf2_t va1, vint16mf2_t vb1) {
vint32m1_t va2 = __riscv_vsext_vf2_i32m1(va1,
vint32m1_t vb2 = __riscv_vsext_vf2_i32m1(vb1,
vint32m1_t vc = __riscv_vadd_vv_i32m1(va2, vb2,
return vc;