On Wed, 9 May 2012, Nick Clifton wrote:
Hi Guys,
The current release of the MPFR library (v3.1.0) has reorganized its
sources such the mpfr.h header file is now in a sub-directory called
'src', rather than being at the top level. This has broken GCC's use
of in-tree MPFR sources.
I am asking for permission to apply the patch below to fix the
problem. I tested it by building an i686-pc-linux-gnu toolchain on a
machine with no MPFR libraries installed, but with a copy of the mpfr
3.1.0 sources installed in-tree. I also built a second toolchain with
an in-tree copy of the mpfr 2.4.2 sources, just to make sure that the
old paths still worked. Both builds worked.
Note that this is PR50461, aka PR51935, which includes a patch which was
submitted: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2012-03/msg01505.html
(your patch is fine as well, from my non-reviewer point of view)
On Wed, 9 May 2012, Richard Guenther wrote:
I think we only support dropping in exactly the versions we provide
in infrastructure/ - which matches the version we require in install.texi.
Or did that change?
The documentation just says 2.4.2 (or later). Even if it wasn't supported,
why not take the patch? And it is a first step to changing the version in
infrastructure, which will eventually have to happen.
Marc Glisse