
A gentle ping on the revised patch, for Richard or another global reviewer.


> Le 5 août 2023 à 16:20, FX Coudert <fxcoud...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi Richard,
> Thanks for your feedback. Here is an amended version of the patch, taking 
> into consideration your requests and the following discussion. There is no 
> configure option for the libgcc part, and the documentation is amended. The 
> patch is split into three commits for core, target and libgcc.
> Currently regtesting on x86_64 linux and darwin (it was fine before I split 
> up into three commits, so I’m re-testing to make sure I didn’t screw anything 
> up).
> OK to commit?
> FX

Attachment: 0001-core-Support-heap-based-trampolines.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0002-target-Support-heap-based-trampolines.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0003-libgcc-support-heap-based-trampolines.patch
Description: Binary data

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