> On 17 Jul 2023, at 07:58, Iain Sandoe <i...@sandoe.co.uk> wrote
>> On 17 Jul 2023, at 07:43, FX Coudert <fxcoud...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> There is an alternate mechanism relying on system libraries that is possible 
>> on darwin specifically (I don’t know for other targets) but it will only 
>> work for signed binaries, and would require us to codesign everything 
>> produced by gcc. During development, it was deemed too big an ask and the 
>> current strategy was chosen (Iain can surely add more background on that if 
>> needed).
> I do not think that this solves the setjump/longjump issue - since there’s 
> still a notional allocation that takes place (it’s just that the mechanism 
> for determining permissions is different).
> It is also a big barrier for the general user - and prevents normal folks 
> from distributing GCC - since codesigning requires an external certificate 
> (i.e. I would really rather avoid it).
>>> Was there ever an attempt to provide a "generic" trampoline driven by
>>> a more complex descriptor?
> We did look at the “unused address bits” mechanism that Ada has used - but 
> that is not really available to a non-private ABI (unless the system vendor 
> agrees to change ABI to leave a bit spare) for the base arch either the bits 
> are not there (e.g. X86) or reserved (e.g. AArch64).
> Andrew Burgess did the original work he might have comments on alternatives 
> we tried

Although I will comment that the main barrier to data / descriptor based 
schemes is that we allow recursive use of nested functions and that means that 
each nest level needs a distinct target address to branch to / call.  [that 
might also make the bytecode scheme hard(er)]


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