In the case when enabled -flto=N GCC aborted compilation. The reason is the overflowing streamer_mode_table buffer. It has 1 << 8 bytes but lto_output_init_mode_table() tries to fill with MAX_MACHINE_MODE bytes.
gcc/ChangeLog: * tree-streamer.h (streamer_mode_table): Changed buffer size * (streamer_mode_table): Likewise. -- With the best regards Jivan Hakobyan
diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/ index ed65a7692e3..a28ef9c7920 100644 --- a/gcc/ +++ b/gcc/ @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see During streaming in, we translate the on the disk mode using this table. For normal LTO it is set to identity, for ACCEL_COMPILER depending on the mode_table content. */ -unsigned char streamer_mode_table[1 << 8]; +unsigned char streamer_mode_table[MAX_MACHINE_MODE]; /* Check that all the TS_* structures handled by the streamer_write_* and streamer_read_* routines are exactly ALL the structures defined in diff --git a/gcc/tree-streamer.h b/gcc/tree-streamer.h index 170d61cf20b..51a292c8d80 100644 --- a/gcc/tree-streamer.h +++ b/gcc/tree-streamer.h @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void streamer_write_tree_body (struct output_block *, tree); void streamer_write_integer_cst (struct output_block *, tree); /* In */ -extern unsigned char streamer_mode_table[1 << 8]; +extern unsigned char streamer_mode_table[MAX_MACHINE_MODE]; void streamer_check_handled_ts_structures (void); bool streamer_tree_cache_insert (struct streamer_tree_cache_d *, tree, hashval_t, unsigned *);