> On Jun 16, 2023, at 5:35 PM, Joseph Myers <jos...@codesourcery.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Jun 2023, Qing Zhao via Gcc-patches wrote:
>>> So for 
>>> struct foo { int c; int buf[(struct { int d; }){ .d = .c }]; };
>>> one knows during parsing that the .d is a designator
>>> and that .c is not.
>> Therefore, the above should be invalid based on this rule since .c is 
>> not a member in the current structure.
> What do you mean by "current structure"?  I think two different concepts 
> are being conflated: the structure *being initialized* (what the C 
> standard calls the "current object" for a brace-enclosed initializer 
> list),

I think the concept of “current structure” should be stick to this. 

> and the structure *being defined*.
Not this.

(Forgive me about my poor English -:)).

Then it will be cleaner? 

What’s your opinion?

>  The former is what's relevant 
> for designators.  The latter is what's relevant for the suggested new 
> syntax.  And .c *is* a member of the structure being defined in this 
> example.
> Those two structure types are always different, except for corner cases 
> with C2x tag compatibility (where an object of structure type might be 
> initialized in the middle of a redefinition of that type).

Can you give an example on this?  Thanks.

> -- 
> Joseph S. Myers
> jos...@codesourcery.com

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