On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 3:57 PM Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbg...@lug-owl.de> wrote:
> Hi!
> On Mon, 2023-05-22 14:10:48 +0100, Maciej W. Rozycki <ma...@orcam.me.uk> 
> wrote:
> > On Fri, 19 May 2023, Mikael Pettersson wrote:
> > > The background is that I maintain a script to build GCC-based crosses to
> > > as many targets as I can, currently it supports 78 distinct processors and
> > > 82 triplets (four processors have multiple triplets). I only check that I 
> > > can
> > > build the toolchains (full linux-gnu ones where possible).
> >
> >  Great work, thanks!
> I'd be very much interested in running your script as one build
> variant for my http://toolchain.lug-owl.de/ efforts. Is it available
> somewhere? That would be nice!

The script is publicly available as https://github.com/mikpe/buildcross.git.
Usage for actively maintained toolchains is pretty easy. For example, to build
a cross to sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu you just run

    buildcross -jN sparc64

and it will leave the toolchain in cross-sparc64. (Other bits will
land in downloads/,
sources/, and host-tools/.)

Many older targets require older gcc versions to even build, and may
not work well
as 64-bit builds, so for those the operator needs to provide overrides
via the environment,
see e.g. the comments for the "a29k" target. None of that is automated, sorry.

If you're only interested in linux-gnu toolchains for actively
maintained targets there's
a build-many-glibcs.py script in glibc that should be a better fit.


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