On 4/19/23 07:51, Frederik Harwath wrote:
Hi Sandra,
the OMP_FOR documentation says that the loop index variable
must be signed and it does not list "!=" in the allowed conditional
expressions. But there is nothing that would automatically cast an
unsigned variable
to signed or that converts the "!=" as you can see from the dump
for this program:
int main ()
#pragma omp for
for (unsigned i = 0; i != 10; i++) {}
The 005t.gimple dump is:
int __GIMPLE ()
int D_2064;
unsigned int i;
#pragma omp for private(i)
for (i = 0u; i != 10u; i = i + 1u)
D_2064 = 0;
return D_2064;
(Strictly speaking, the OMP_FOR is represented as a gomp_for at this point,
but this does not really matter.)
Can I commit the patch?
The patch is fine for the trunk, but GCC 13 is frozen for the release
right now and even doc fixes require RM approval. I'd have no objection
to putting it on the release branch too when it is unfrozen, but as this
isn't user-facing documentation there's no particularly urgent argument
for doing that.