Hi Steve,
Hi Andrew,
"long long". This was just an oversight and a missing check.
Committed as obvious after a bootstrap/test on x86_64-linux-gnu.
I think this one is obvious enough that it deserves a backport.
I've cherry-picked this for gcc12, will do gcc11 tomorrow.
The patch is incomplete.
module foo
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
public :: bar
type, bind(c) :: bar
real(10) a
end type
end module
This yields
typedef struct bar {
long_double a /* WARNING: Converting 'REAL(10)' to interoperable type */;
} bar;
That should be 'long double'.
Fixed as obvious in 69044e11ac5 .
I will backport soon.
Thanks for the heads-up!
Best regards