
"Jose E. Marchesi via Gcc-patches" <gcc-patches@gcc.gnu.org> writes:

> Yeah I guess it all depends on how much the news section is used.
> I personally think that it would be beneficial for the different GCC
> projects (front-ends, back-ends, etc) to be a little more vocal, public
> wise.  Releasing news items more often may help with that.
> Of course one could argue that making it easier to add news to the
> system (without having to manually rotate the .html file, add to the
> feed if desired, etc) would help with that.  And probably would be right
> :D

Should that happen, it should be quite trivial to put together (for
instance) a Python+Jinja2 or Perl script to generate both forms from a
common source.  That should be very little engineering ;).

In addition, such a program would make it easy to also provide RSS feeds
besides the Atom ones, which some might benefit from (IIRC, Gnus doesn't
ship Atom support yet, for instance).

I am in favor of putting more words out there, news tends to grab
attention, which could benefit both users and the project.

>>> I strongly suggest to not overengineer here [and nowhere else :)]
>> I am tempted to agree (even if the engineer in me would prefer to avoid 
>> duplication). Jose, might you be willing to help others create Atom feed
>> entries?
> Sure.  It is as easy as adding one of these things to the .xml file:
>     <item>
>       <title>Rhhw Friday 16 March 2018 - Sunday 18 March 2018 @
>       Frankfurt am Main</title>
>       <link>http://jemarch.net/rhhw.html#16march2018</link>
>       <description>
>         The Rabbit Herd will be meeting the weekend from 16 March to
>         18 March.
>       </description>
>       <pubDate>Mon, 12 March 2018 15:00:00 CET</pubDate>
>     </item>
> To be sure nothing breaks we may run a XML validator on the server to
> reject pushes that break the .xml file.  There must be an XML schema for
> XML Atom feeds somewhere..

The W3C provides a validator for feeds too:
https://validator.w3.org/feed/ and indeed, there's a schema, see RFC4287
appendix B (<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4287#appendix-B>).

>> What do others think?
>> Gerald

Hope that helps!
Arsen Arsenović

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