On Monday, 3 October 2022 10:37:00 CEST Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> I did look into this after you pointed it out on IRC. Unless I fumbled
> my doxygen roll, the results are the same for /// and ///< so maybe
> at some point Doxygen started to DTRT even without the < character.

It is actually unchanged for the standard IO objects, for some reason.
The rounding style enum produced different results after this change
(for convenience, link below; intermediate is missing, towards_zero is

Unsure what the exact rule is, but, AFAICT, ///< is not worse, and on
top of that, clangd interprets it properly (it's how I stumbled upon
this, cout was "Linked to standard output" in its LSP hover response).

Arsen Arsenović

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