On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:41 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
> Ping 6...
> It's now been over EIGHT MONTHS since I posted the patch, back in
> stage 1 for 4.7.  Can someone please review and/or approve this before
> gcc 4.8's stage 1 is closed?  This is needed as a first step for ABI
> compatibility for rx-elf.

Set up a cron job to ping once a day.  :-)  Did you ever dig up the Apple test 
cases from the APPLE LOCAL work I pointed you at earlier?  They will be more 
comprehensive that any testing you've done, and, if you get them to all pass, 
the work should be closer to being complete.  The feature needed a ton of 
testcases, a few didn't cut it.

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