The default length for floating-point compare operations is overridden to 8, however the FEQ.fmt, FLT.fmt, FLE.fmt machine instructions and FGE.fmt, FGT.fmt assembly idioms the relevant RTL insns produce are all 4 bytes long each. And all the floating-point compare RTL insns that produce multiple machine instructions explicitly set their lengths.
Remove the override then, letting the default of 4 apply for the single instruction case. gcc/ * config/riscv/ (length): Remove the explicit setting for "fcmp". --- Hi, So for: int feq (float x, float y) { return x == y; } we get: .globl feq .type feq, @function feq: feq.s a0,fa0,fa1 # 15 [c=4 l=8] *cstoresfdi4 ret # 24 [c=0 l=4] simple_return .size feq, .-feq which is obviously wrong given: Disassembly of section .text: 0000000000000000 <feq>: 0: a0b52553 feq.s a0,fa0,fa1 4: 8082 ret (hmm tabs are odd here too, but that's a binutils issue). I note that the override has always been there since the RISC-V port landed, so I take it it's a missed leftover from an earlier situation. With the change in place we instead get: .globl feq .type feq, @function feq: feq.s a0,fa0,fa1 # 15 [c=4 l=4] *cstoresfdi4 ret # 24 [c=0 l=4] simple_return .size feq, .-feq which I find so relieving. No regressions in the testsuite (and I haven't checked how it affects instruction scheduling, especially with `-Os', but I think it's obviously correct really). OK to apply? Maciej --- gcc/config/riscv/ | 2 -- 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-) gcc-riscv-fcmp-length.diff Index: gcc/gcc/config/riscv/ =================================================================== --- gcc.orig/gcc/config/riscv/ +++ gcc/gcc/config/riscv/ @@ -231,8 +231,6 @@ (eq_attr "got" "load") (const_int 8) - (eq_attr "type" "fcmp") (const_int 8) - ;; SHIFT_SHIFTs are decomposed into two separate instructions. (eq_attr "move_type" "shift_shift") (const_int 8)