Am Wed, 13 Apr 2022 23:04:17 -0600 (MDT)
schrieb "Gerald Pfeifer" <>:

> On Wed, 13 Apr 2022, Gerald Pfeifer wrote:
> > This is the first batch of fixes. Pushed.
> Hmm, there is one issue that confused me a bit. What did you want to
> relay by the following?
>    +    <li>Pattern matching</li>
>    +    <ul>
>    +      <li>The <code>case</code> statement has been extended to
> cover
> Currently that is a <ul> within a <ul>, which does not work. Did you
> mean to skip the </li> and have that after the nested <ul>?
> Gerald

Hi Gerald,

thank you for your comments. As you have picked up, HTML is not my
strongest language.

I did not know that "<" and ">" had to scaped in HTML, I will try to
remember that.

Regarding the nested <ul>. Since I did not know HTML, I looked at how
nested structure/lists are generated. Since the changelog uses
sequences of <li> and <ul> to indent/create a nested list, so I did. I
wanted to have a "title" (Pattern matching) and then have the
explanation with the code. Therefore, I copied the <li>, <ul> sequence
to get another level of nesting.

I checked my results by opening the file in Firefox (latest version)
and it renders properly as I would expect/as I just explained. Is this
not correct? Is Firefox trying to make it work/trying to understand
what I meant and reproducing it as such?

Thank you for your feedback. Regards,

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