On 05/04/2022 22:07, Jørgen Kvalsvik wrote:
In action it looks pretty similar to the branch coverage. The -g short
opt carries no significance, but was chosen because it was an available
option with the upper-case free too.

gcov --conditions:

          3:   17:void fn (int a, int b, int c, int d) {
          3:   18:    if ((a && (b || c)) && d)
conditions covered 5/8
condition  1 not covered (false)
condition  2 not covered (true)
condition  2 not covered (false)
          1:   19:        x = 1;
          -:   20:    else
          2:   21:        x = 2;
          3:   22:}
I have some trouble to understand the output. Would 8/8 mean that we have 100%
MC/DC coverage? What does "not covered (false)" or "not covered (true)" mean?

Yes, 8/8 would mean that the expression is 100% covered (all conditions take on
both values and have independent effect on the outcome).

This is really great.

"not covered" is a
report of missing coverage, that is "condition  1 not covered (false)" means
that bit N (N = 1, b in this case) has not taken on false yet, and to achieve
100% coverage you need a test case where b = false.

The wording is arbitrary, and I tried to strike a balance between density,
clarity, grepability and noise. I am open to other suggestions that would
improve this.

Ok, for the default output this is good. The output can be explained in the documentation. I will try to help here.

In theory, would it be possible to print the state of the truth table with the information available in the gcda and gcno files? For example:

Truth table for: a && (b || c)) && d

0 | 1 | 2 | 3 || covered
0 | X | X | X || Y
0 | X | X | X || Y
0 | X | X | X || Y
0 | X | X | X || Y
0 | X | X | X || Y
0 | X | X | X || Y
0 | X | X | X || Y
0 | X | X | X || Y
1 | 0 | 0 | X || N
1 | 0 | 0 | X || N
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 || N
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 || N
1 | 1 | X | 0 || Y
1 | 1 | X | 0 || Y
1 | 1 | X | 1 || Y
1 | 1 | X | 1 || Y

Would it be possible to map the condition index to a source code snippet? For example condition 1 to "b"?

Unrelated to this, in typing up some notes on this I found a few minor and one
quite significant (really, the masking algorithm is broken) error in the
algorithm, which I am working on correcting. I will propose the new patch with
these fixes too once I have finished writing and testing it.

Thanks a lot for this work.

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