Hi, While working on the Kalray port of gcc, I noticed that the hook TARGET_ASM_FINAL_POSTSCAN_INSN is not called after emitting an instruction coming from a basic asm block. Here is a patch which fixes this behavior.
The following check: ``` $ find gcc/config/ -type f -exec grep "#define TARGET_ASM_FINAL" "{}" + gcc/config/m68k/m68k.cc:#define TARGET_ASM_FINAL_POSTSCAN_INSN m68k_asm_final_postscan_insn gcc/config/avr/avr.cc:#define TARGET_ASM_FINAL_POSTSCAN_INSN avr_asm_final_postscan_insn gcc/config/mips/mips.cc:#define TARGET_ASM_FINAL_POSTSCAN_INSN mips_final_postscan_insn ``` reveals that m68k, avr and mips are the only affected targets upstream. Paul Iannetta Kalray
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