On Tue, Mar 01, 2022 at 08:58:54AM +0100, Tobias Burnus wrote: > The wording actually also permits array sections. But contrary to coarrays, > (which are odd but otherwise fine), I think it does not really make sense > to have arrays and array sections here. > > (Do we need/want to get this clarified/changed in spec?)
In 5.2 we have: "A variable that is part of another variable (as an array element or a structure element) cannot appear in a detach clause." and "An array section can appear only in clauses for which it is explicitly allowed." and C/C++ "A variable of <generic_name> OpenMP type is a variable of type omp_<generic_name>_t." and Fortran "A variable of <generic_name> OpenMP type is a scalar integer variable of kind omp_<generic_name>_kind." and "event-handle variable of event_handle type default" As there is no explicit allowing of array sections, array sections aren't allowed in detach, and it must be scalar integer. The question is if a non-coindexed coarray is a scalar integer variable or not. Jakub