On 1/31/2022 1:46 AM, Martin Liška wrote:
On 1/28/22 23:01, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On Fri, 28 Jan 2022 at 18:17, Jeff Law wrote:
On 1/24/2022 4:11 AM, Martin Liška wrote:
On 1/21/22 17:54, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
Yes, OK (but please CC the libstdc++ list, not just me).
Sorry for that. Anyway, I would like to install the extended version
of the patch
that touches all libraries.
Ready to be installed?
It looks to me like Jon ack'd in his original reply. "Yes, OK ..."
Yes the libstdc++ part is still OK. I can't approve the equivalent
changes for the other libs.
I understand Jeff's OK as an approval also for other libs.
Just to be explicit. It is ;-)