Support for external axiomatization in GNATprove has been deconstructed
few years ago, so the related frontend code can be deconstructed too.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk


        * (Build_Function_Wrapper, Build_Operator_Wrapper):
        Remove unreferenced spec.
        * sem_ch12.adb (Build_Function_Wrapper, Build_Operator_Wrapper):
        Remove dead bodies.
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch12.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch12.adb
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch12.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch12.adb
@@ -6080,211 +6080,6 @@ package body Sem_Ch12 is
       end if;
    end Get_Associated_Node;
-   ----------------------------
-   -- Build_Function_Wrapper --
-   ----------------------------
-   function Build_Function_Wrapper
-     (Formal_Subp : Entity_Id;
-      Actual_Subp : Entity_Id) return Node_Id
-   is
-      Loc       : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Current_Scope);
-      Ret_Type  : constant Entity_Id  := Get_Instance_Of (Etype (Formal_Subp));
-      Actuals   : List_Id;
-      Decl      : Node_Id;
-      Func_Name : Node_Id;
-      Func      : Entity_Id;
-      Parm_Type : Node_Id;
-      Profile   : List_Id := New_List;
-      Spec      : Node_Id;
-      Act_F     : Entity_Id;
-      Form_F    : Entity_Id;
-      New_F     : Entity_Id;
-   begin
-      Func_Name := New_Occurrence_Of (Actual_Subp, Loc);
-      Func := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Formal_Subp));
-      Mutate_Ekind (Func, E_Function);
-      Set_Is_Generic_Actual_Subprogram (Func);
-      Actuals := New_List;
-      Profile := New_List;
-      Act_F  := First_Formal (Actual_Subp);
-      Form_F := First_Formal (Formal_Subp);
-      while Present (Form_F) loop
-         --  Create new formal for profile of wrapper, and add a reference
-         --  to it in the list of actuals for the enclosing call. The name
-         --  must be that of the formal in the formal subprogram, because
-         --  calls to it in the generic body may use named associations.
-         New_F := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Form_F));
-         Parm_Type :=
-           New_Occurrence_Of (Get_Instance_Of (Etype (Form_F)), Loc);
-         Append_To (Profile,
-           Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
-             Defining_Identifier => New_F,
-             Parameter_Type      => Parm_Type));
-         Append_To (Actuals, New_Occurrence_Of (New_F, Loc));
-         Next_Formal (Form_F);
-         if Present (Act_F) then
-            Next_Formal (Act_F);
-         end if;
-      end loop;
-      Spec :=
-        Make_Function_Specification (Loc,
-          Defining_Unit_Name       => Func,
-          Parameter_Specifications => Profile,
-          Result_Definition        => New_Occurrence_Of (Ret_Type, Loc));
-      Decl :=
-        Make_Expression_Function (Loc,
-          Specification => Spec,
-          Expression    =>
-            Make_Function_Call (Loc,
-              Name                   => Func_Name,
-              Parameter_Associations => Actuals));
-      return Decl;
-   end Build_Function_Wrapper;
-   ----------------------------
-   -- Build_Operator_Wrapper --
-   ----------------------------
-   function Build_Operator_Wrapper
-     (Formal_Subp : Entity_Id;
-      Actual_Subp : Entity_Id) return Node_Id
-   is
-      Loc       : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Current_Scope);
-      Ret_Type  : constant Entity_Id  :=
-                    Get_Instance_Of (Etype (Formal_Subp));
-      Op_Type   : constant Entity_Id  :=
-                    Get_Instance_Of (Etype (First_Formal (Formal_Subp)));
-      Is_Binary : constant Boolean    :=
-                    Present (Next_Formal (First_Formal (Formal_Subp)));
-      Decl    : Node_Id;
-      Expr    : Node_Id := Empty;
-      F1, F2  : Entity_Id;
-      Func    : Entity_Id;
-      Op_Name : Name_Id;
-      Spec    : Node_Id;
-      L, R    : Node_Id;
-   begin
-      Op_Name := Chars (Actual_Subp);
-      --  Create entities for wrapper function and its formals
-      F1 := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'A');
-      F2 := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'B');
-      L  := New_Occurrence_Of (F1, Loc);
-      R  := New_Occurrence_Of (F2, Loc);
-      Func := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Formal_Subp));
-      Mutate_Ekind (Func, E_Function);
-      Set_Is_Generic_Actual_Subprogram (Func);
-      Spec :=
-        Make_Function_Specification (Loc,
-          Defining_Unit_Name       => Func,
-          Parameter_Specifications => New_List (
-            Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
-               Defining_Identifier => F1,
-               Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Op_Type, Loc))),
-          Result_Definition        => New_Occurrence_Of (Ret_Type, Loc));
-      if Is_Binary then
-         Append_To (Parameter_Specifications (Spec),
-            Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
-              Defining_Identifier => F2,
-              Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Op_Type, Loc)));
-      end if;
-      --  Build expression as a function call, or as an operator node
-      --  that corresponds to the name of the actual, starting with
-      --  binary operators.
-      if Op_Name not in Any_Operator_Name then
-         Expr :=
-           Make_Function_Call (Loc,
-             Name                   =>
-               New_Occurrence_Of (Actual_Subp, Loc),
-             Parameter_Associations => New_List (L));
-         if Is_Binary then
-            Append_To (Parameter_Associations (Expr), R);
-         end if;
-      --  Binary operators
-      elsif Is_Binary then
-         if Op_Name = Name_Op_And then
-            Expr := Make_Op_And      (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Or then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Or       (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Xor then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Xor      (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Eq then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Eq       (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Ne then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Ne       (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Le then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Le       (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Gt then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Gt       (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Ge then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Ge       (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Lt then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Lt       (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Add then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Add      (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Subtract then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Subtract (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Concat then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Concat   (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Multiply then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Multiply (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Divide then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Divide   (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Mod then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Mod      (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Rem then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Rem      (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Expon then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Expon    (Loc, Left_Opnd => L, Right_Opnd => R);
-         end if;
-      --  Unary operators
-      else
-         if Op_Name = Name_Op_Add then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Plus  (Loc, Right_Opnd => L);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Subtract then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Minus (Loc, Right_Opnd => L);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Abs then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Abs   (Loc, Right_Opnd => L);
-         elsif Op_Name = Name_Op_Not then
-            Expr := Make_Op_Not   (Loc, Right_Opnd => L);
-         end if;
-      end if;
-      Decl :=
-        Make_Expression_Function (Loc,
-          Specification => Spec,
-          Expression    => Expr);
-      return Decl;
-   end Build_Operator_Wrapper;
    -- Build_Subprogram_Decl_Wrapper --

diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -37,23 +37,6 @@ package Sem_Ch12 is
    procedure Analyze_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration      (N : Node_Id);
    procedure Analyze_Formal_Package_Declaration         (N : Node_Id);
-   function Build_Function_Wrapper
-     (Formal_Subp : Entity_Id;
-      Actual_Subp : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
-   --  In GNATprove mode, create a wrapper function for actuals that are
-   --  functions with any number of formal parameters, in order to propagate
-   --  their contract to the renaming declarations generated for them. This
-   --  is called after the renaming declaration created for the formal in the
-   --  instance has been analyzed, and the actual is known.
-   function Build_Operator_Wrapper
-     (Formal_Subp : Entity_Id;
-      Actual_Subp : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
-   --  In GNATprove mode, create a wrapper function for actuals that are
-   --  operators, in order to propagate their contract to the renaming
-   --  declarations generated for them. The types are (the instances of)
-   --  the types of the formal subprogram.
    procedure Start_Generic;
    --  Must be invoked before starting to process a generic spec or body

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