The current GCC branch will become 12.1.0, which will be the stable version of 
GCC when the next macOS version is released. There are some places in GCC that 
don’t handle darwin22 as a version, so we need to future-proof it 
(gcc/config.gcc and gcc/config/darwin-driver.c). We align that code with what 
Apple clang does, i.e. accept all potential major macOS versions until 99.

This patch also homogenises the handling of darwin version numbers, where the 
majority of places use darwin2*, but some used darwin2[0-9]*. Since there never 
was a darwin2.x version, the two are equivalent, and we prefer the simpler 

Bootstrapped and regtested on x86_64-apple-darwin21.
OK to commit?


Attachment: darwin.patch
Description: Binary data

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