Here is what I eventually would like to commit.

I was not able to remove the _Safe_iterator_base branch in ptr_traits.h. When adding the _Safe_iterator overload in C++20 and removing the branch the 20_util/to_address/ test started to fail because it was not calling my overload. I tried to declare the overload in ptr_traits.h directly so it is known at the time it is used in std::to_address but then it failed to match it with the implementation in safe_iterator.h. The declaration was not easy to do and I guess I had it wrong.

But it does not matter cause I think this version is the simplest one (as it does not change a lot of code).

    libstdc++: Overload std::__to_address for __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator.

    Prefer to overload __to_address to partially specialize std::pointer_traits because     std::pointer_traits would be mostly useless. Moreover partial specialization of     pointer_traits<__normal_iterator<P, C>> fails to rebind C, so you get incorrect types     like __normal_iterator<long*, vector<int>>. In the case of __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator     the to_pointer method is impossible to implement correctly because we are missing
    the parent container to associate the iterator to.


            * include/bits/stl_iterator.h
(std::pointer_traits<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<>>): Remove.
            (std::__to_address(const __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<>&)): New for C++11 to C++17.
            * include/debug/safe_iterator.h
            (std::__to_address(const __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<>, _Sequence>&)):
            New for C++11 to C++17.
            * testsuite/24_iterators/normal_iterator/ Add check on std::vector::iterator             to validate both __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<> __to_address overload in normal mode and
            __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator in _GLIBCXX_DEBUG mode.

Tested under Linux x86_64 normal and _GLIBCXX_DEBUG modes for C++11/C++14/C++17/C++20.

Ok to commit ?


On 14/12/21 2:12 pm, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On Tue, 14 Dec 2021 at 06:53, François Dumont wrote:


         Any conclusion regarding this thread ?


    On 06/10/21 7:25 pm, François Dumont wrote:
    > I forgot to ask if with this patch this overload:
    >   template<typename _Ptr, typename... _None>
    >     constexpr auto
    >     __to_address(const _Ptr& __ptr, _None...) noexcept
    >     {
    >       if constexpr
    (is_base_of_v<__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base, _Ptr>)
    >     return std::__to_address(__ptr.base().operator->());
    >       else
    >     return std::__to_address(__ptr.operator->());
    >     }
    > should be removed ?

No, definitely not.

That is the default overload for types that do not have a pointer_traits::to_address specialization. If you remove it, __to_address won't work for fancy pointers or any other pointer-like types. That would completely break it.

The purpose of C++20's std::to_address is to get a real pointer from a pointer-like type. Using it with iterators is not the primary use case, but it needs to work with contiguous iterators because those are pointer-like. I made it work correctly with __normal_iterator because that was necessary to support the uses of std::__to_address in <regex> and <filesystem>, but I removed those uses in: <> <>

So now we don't really need the C++17 version of std::__to_address to work with __normal_iterator at all.

I think it's OK to add the overload for __normal_iterator though, but only for C++11/14/17, because the default std::__to_address handles __normal_iterator correctly in C++20.

    > Or perhaps just the _Safe_iterator_base branch in it ?

Yes, you can just remove that branch, because your new overload handles it.


    > On 06/10/21 7:18 pm, François Dumont wrote:
    >> Here is another proposal with the __to_address overload.
    >> I preferred to let it open to any kind of __normal_iterator
    >> instantiation cause afaics std::vector supports fancy pointer
    >> It is better if __to_address works fine also in this case, no ?

 If we intend to support that, then we should verify it in the testsuite, using __gnu_test::CustomPointerAlloc.

    >>     libstdc++: Overload std::__to_address for
    >> __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator.
    >>     Prefer to overload __to_address to partially specialize
    >> std::pointer_traits because
    >>     std::pointer_traits would be mostly useless. In the case of
    >> __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator
    >>     the to_pointer method is even impossible to implement
    >> because we are missing
    >>     the parent container to associate the iterator to.

To record additional rationale in the git history, please add that the partial specialization of pointer_traits<__normal_iterator<P, C>> fails to rebind C, so you get incorrect types like __normal_iterator<long*, vector<int>>.

    >>     libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog:
    >>             * include/bits/stl_iterator.h
    >> (std::pointer_traits<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<>>): Remove.

OK to remove this (it's broken anyway).

    >>             (std::__to_address(const
    >> __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<>&)): New.

Please make this only defined for C++11, 14 and 17.

    >>             * include/debug/safe_iterator.h
    >>             (std::__to_address(const
    >> __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<>,
    >> _Sequence>&)):
    >>             New.

OK to add this (including for C++20), and remove the _Safe_iterator branch from the C++20 std::__to_address in <bits/ptr_traits.h>.

I think this new overload could return std::__to_address(__it.base().base()) though. That saves a function call, by going directly to the value stored in the __normal_iterator.

    >>             *
    >> Add check on std::vector::iterator
    >>             to validate both __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<>
    >> __to_address overload in normal mode and the

Add similar checks for vector<int, __gnu_test::CustomPointerAlloc<int>>.

OK with those changes, thanks.

diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_iterator.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_iterator.h
index 6bd860b803e..ac9342112f4 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_iterator.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_iterator.h
@@ -1349,32 +1349,16 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
-  // Need to specialize pointer_traits because the primary template will
-  // deduce element_type of __normal_iterator<T*, C> as T* rather than T.
+#if __cplusplus <= 201703L
+  // Need to overload __to_address because the pointer_traits primary template
+  // will deduce element_type of __normal_iterator<T*, C> as T* rather than T.
   template<typename _Iterator, typename _Container>
-    struct pointer_traits<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>>
-    {
-    private:
-      using _Base = pointer_traits<_Iterator>;
-    public:
-      using element_type = typename _Base::element_type;
-      using pointer = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>;
-      using difference_type = typename _Base::difference_type;
-      template<typename _Tp>
-	using rebind = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<_Tp, _Container>;
-      static pointer
-      pointer_to(element_type& __e) noexcept
-      { return pointer(_Base::pointer_to(__e)); }
-#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
-      static element_type*
-      to_address(pointer __p) noexcept
-      { return __p.base(); }
+    constexpr auto
+    __to_address(const __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<_Iterator,
+						    _Container>& __it) noexcept
+    -> decltype(std::__to_address(__it.base()))
+    { return std::__to_address(__it.base()); }
-    };
    * @addtogroup iterators
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/debug/safe_iterator.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/debug/safe_iterator.h
index 5584d06de5a..9c821c82e17 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/debug/safe_iterator.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/debug/safe_iterator.h
@@ -1013,6 +1013,23 @@ namespace __gnu_debug
 } // namespace __gnu_debug
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L && __cplusplus <= 201703L
+namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
+  template<typename _Iterator, typename _Container, typename _Sequence>
+    constexpr auto
+    __to_address(const __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<
+		 __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>,
+		 _Sequence>& __it) noexcept
+    -> decltype(std::__to_address(__it.base().base()))
+    { return std::__to_address(__it.base().base()); }
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/24_iterators/normal_iterator/ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/24_iterators/normal_iterator/
index 510d627435f..6afc6540609 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/24_iterators/normal_iterator/
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/24_iterators/normal_iterator/
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
 // { dg-do compile { target { c++11 } } }
 #include <string>
+#include <vector>
 #include <memory>
-char* p = std::__to_address(std::string("1").begin());
-const char* q = std::__to_address(std::string("2").cbegin());
+#include <testsuite_allocator.h>
+char* p __attribute__((unused))
+  = std::__to_address(std::string("1").begin());
+const char* q __attribute__((unused))
+  = std::__to_address(std::string("2").cbegin());
+int* r __attribute__((unused))
+  = std::__to_address(std::vector<int>(1, 1).begin());
+const int* s __attribute__((unused))
+  = std::__to_address(std::vector<int>(1, 1).cbegin());
+int* t __attribute__((unused))
+  = std::__to_address(std::vector<int, __gnu_test::CustomPointerAlloc<int>>(1, 1).begin());
+const int* u __attribute__((unused))
+  = std::__to_address(std::vector<int, __gnu_test::CustomPointerAlloc<int>>(1, 1).cbegin());

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