On Thu, Oct 07, 2021 at 08:04:23PM -0500, Paul A. Clarke wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 07, 2021 at 06:39:06PM -0500, Segher Boessenkool wrote:
> > > +      __asm__ __volatile__ ("mffsce %0" : "=f" (__fpscr_save.__fr));
> > 
> > The __volatile__ does likely not do what you want.  As far as I can see
> > you do not want one here anyway?
> > 
> > "volatile" does not order asm wrt fp insns, which you likely *do* want.
> Reading the GCC docs, it looks like the "volatile" qualifier for "asm"
> has no effect at all (6.47.1):
> | The optional volatile qualifier has no effect. All basic asm blocks are
> | implicitly volatile.
> So, it could be removed without concern.

This is not a basic asm (it contains a ":"; that is not just an easy way
to see it, it is the *definition* of basic vs. extended asm).

The manual explains:

Note that the compiler can move even 'volatile asm' instructions
relative to other code, including across jump instructions.  For
example, on many targets there is a system register that controls the
rounding mode of floating-point operations.  Setting it with a 'volatile
asm' statement, as in the following PowerPC example, does not work

     asm volatile("mtfsf 255, %0" : : "f" (fpenv));
     sum = x + y;

The compiler may move the addition back before the 'volatile asm'
statement.  To make it work as expected, add an artificial dependency to
the 'asm' by referencing a variable in the subsequent code, for example:

     asm volatile ("mtfsf 255,%1" : "=X" (sum) : "f" (fpenv));
     sum = x + y;

> > You do not need any of that __ either.
> I'm surprised that I don't. A .h file needs to be concerned about the
> namespace it inherits, no?

These are local variables in a function though.  You get such
complexities in macros, but never in functions, where everything is
scoped.  Local variables are a great thing.  And macros are a bad thing!


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