Hi Tobias,

let me first reach for my brown bag...

> Otherwise, the quote from F2018 of my previous email applies:
> F2018:16.9.109 LBOUND has for "case(i)", i.e. with a 'dim'
> argument the following. The case without 'dim' just iterates
> through case (i) for each dim. Thus:
> "If DIM is present,
>   ARRAY is a whole array,
>   and either ARRAY is an assumed-size array of rank DIM
>       or dimension DIM of ARRAY has nonzero extent,
>   the result has a value equal to the lower bound for subscript DIM of ARRAY.
> Otherwise, if DIM is present, the result value is 1."

It was probably too late, and I could no longer distinguish
"assumed-size" from "assumed-rank", and likely some more...

> Here, we assume dim=2 is present [either directly or via case(ii)],
> ARRAY is a whole array but it neither is of assumed size nor has nonzero
> extent.
> Hence, the "otherwise" applies and the result is 1 - as gfortran has
> and ifort has in the caller.

... which lead to my complete confusion and loss of focus.

Of course you are right.  Sorry for that.  Will now put that bag on...


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