on 2021/9/21 下午8:03, Segher Boessenkool wrote:
> Hi!
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 01:47:19PM +0800, Kewen.Lin wrote:
>> on 2021/9/18 上午6:26, Segher Boessenkool wrote:
>>>> +      if (data->nloads > (unsigned int) rs6000_density_load_num_threshold
>>>> +    && load_pct > (unsigned int) rs6000_density_load_pct_threshold)
>>> Those variables are unsigned int already.  Don't cast please.
>> Unfortunately this is required by bootstrapping.  The UInteger for the
>> param definition is really confusing, in the underlying implementation
>> it's still "signed".  If you grep "(unsigned) param", you can see a few
>> examples.  I guess the "UInteger" is mainly for the param value range
>> checking.
> Huh, I see.  Is that a bug?  It certainly is surprising!  Please open a
> PR if you think it could/should be improved, put me on Cc:?

I guessed it's not a bug, "UInteger" is more for the opt/param value range
checking, but could be improved.  PR102440 filed as you suggested.  :)

>>>> +-param=rs6000-density-pct-threshold=
>>>> +Target Undocumented Joined UInteger Var(rs6000_density_pct_threshold) 
>>>> Init(85) IntegerRange(0, 99) Param
>>> So make this and all other percentages (0, 100) please.
>> I thought 99 is enough for the RHS in ">". just realized it's more clear
>> with 100.  Will fix!
> 99 will work fine, but it's not the best choice for the user, who will
> expect that a percentage can be anything from 0% to 100%.
>>>> +When costing for loop vectorization, we probably need to penalize the 
>>>> loop body cost if the existing cost model may not adequately reflect 
>>>> delays from unavailable vector resources.  We collect the cost for 
>>>> vectorized statements and non-vectorized statements separately, check the 
>>>> proportion of vec_cost to total cost of vec_cost and non vec_cost, and 
>>>> penalize only if the proportion exceeds the threshold specified by this 
>>>> parameter.  The default value is 85.
>>> It would be good if we can use line breaks in the source code for things
>>> like this, but I don't think we can.  This message is mainly used for
>>> "--help=param", and it is good there to have as short messages as you
>>> can.  But given the nature of params you need quite a few words often,
>>> and you do not want to say so little that things are no clear, either.
>>> So, dunno :-)
>> I did some testings, the line breaks writing can still survive in the
>> "--help=param" show, the lines are concatenated with " ".  Although
>> there seems no this kind of writing practices, I am guessing you want
>> me to do line breaks for their descriptions?  If so, I will make them
>> short as the above "Target Undocumented..." line.  Or do you want it
>> to align source code ColumnLimit 80 (for these cases, it would look
>> shorter)?
> It would help if was more readable in the surce code, one line of close
> to 500 columns is not very manageable :-)
> But the thing that matters is what it will look like in the --help=
> output (and/or the manual).

OK, I've used ColumnLimit 80 for that.  The outputs in --help= before/after
the line breaks look the same (smoother than what I can expect).  :)

Committed in r12-3767, thanks!


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