I hope you won't mind but I finally took care of it applying the
following patch:
> <dt>libstdcxx_so_7-2-branch</dt>
> <dd>This branch carries all the C++ Runtime Library (libstdc++-v3)
> that break its abi. It will be merged into the trunk as soon as the
> to move to abi version 7 will have been taken. It is maintained by
> <a href="mailto:frs.dum...@gmail.com">François Dumont</a> and
the official
> libstdc++-v3 maintainers Paolo Carlini, Benjamin Kosnik and
Jonathan Wakely.
> Patches will be marked with the tag <code>[so_7-2]</code> in the
> line.</dd>
Don't hesitate to tell me if you see anything wrong in the way I
handle it.
On 02/13/2012 10:07 PM, François Dumont wrote:
Thanks for the feedback. By the time I finally had access to the
CVS repo but I definitely prefer that you take care of it.
Here is what I compiled from your proposal, Paolo's feedback and
my initial blurb:
This branch carries all the C++ Runtime Library (libstdc++-v3)
patches that break its abi. It will be merged into the trunk as soon
as the decision to move to abi version 7 will have been taken. It is
maintained by François Dumont and the official libstdc++-v3
maintainers Paolo Carlini, Benjamin Kosnik and Jonathan Wakely.
I prefer to avoid the term "C++ ABI" because it might looks like
the C++ compiler ABI which is something different.
François Dumont
On 02/12/2012 11:24 PM, Gerald Pfeifer wrote:
On Wed, 1 Feb 2012, François Dumont wrote:
I have created yesterday the libstdcxx_so_7-2-branch in the gcc
that only contains the libstdc++-v3 folder. This branch will contain
the abi breaking changes that are plan to be moved to trunk as soon as
the decision to break the abi will have been taken. Paolo Carlini
me to write you, and the mailing list, to ask if you could document it
on this page:
Thanks for the heads up, François (and thanks for Paolo for the
reference ;-).
Based on your mail, how about the following change to the web page?
Should (also) others be listed as branch maintainers? Is there a
specific way patches to that branch should be labled in the subject,
similar to other branches? Any other changes?
Index: svn.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/svn.html,v
retrieving revision 1.167
diff -u -3 -p -r1.167 svn.html
--- svn.html 1 Feb 2012 19:55:33 -0000 1.167
+++ svn.html 12 Feb 2012 22:21:54 -0000
@@ -486,6 +486,12 @@ the command<code>svn log --stop-on-copy
Only patches backported from mainline are accepted. They should
be marked with the tag [4_4-plugins] in the Subject line.</dd>
+<dd>This branch carries all ABI breaking changes to libstdc++ that
+ will be merged to trunk once the decision to break the C++ ABI is
+ taken.<a href="mailto:frs.dum...@gmail.com">François Dumont</a>
+ maintains this branch.</dd>
<dd>This branch implements<a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/pph">
Headers for C++</a>. It is maintained by<a