On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 2:57 PM Andrew MacLeod <amacl...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 9/21/21 2:14 AM, Richard Biener wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 8:09 AM Richard Biener
> > <richard.guent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 12:01 AM Andrew MacLeod via Gcc-patches
> >> <gcc-patches@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> The patch sets the EXECUTABLE property on edges like VRP does, and then
> >>> removes that flag when an edge is determined to be un-executable.
> >>>
> >>> This information is then used to return UNDEFINED for any requests on
> >>> un-executable edges, and to register equivalencies if all executable
> >>> edges of a PHI node are the same SSA_NAME.
> >>>
> >>> This catches up a number of the cases VRP gets that ranger was missing,
> >>> and reduces the EVRP discrepancies to almost 0.
> >>>
> >>> On a side note,  is there any interest/value in reversing the meaning of
> >>> that flag?  It seems to me that we could assume edges are EXECUTABLE by
> >>> default, then set a NON_EXECUTABLE flag when a pass determines the edge
> >>> cannot be executed.  This would rpevent a number fo passes from having
> >>> to loop through all the edges and set the EXECUTABLE property...   It
> >>> just seems backwards to me.
> >> The flag is simply not kept up-to-date and it's the passes responsibility 
> >> to
> >> make use of it (aka install a default state upon entry).
> >>
> >> To me not having EDGE_EXECUTABLE set on entry is more natural
> >> for optimistic propagation passes, but yes, if you do on-demand greedy
> >> processing then you need a conservative default.  But then how do you
> >> denote a 'VARYING' (executable) state that may not drop back to 'CONSTANT"
> >> (not executable)?  For optimistic propagation EDGE_EXECUTABLE set is
> >> simply the varying state and since we never clear it again there's no 
> >> chance
> >> of oscillation.
> Different model, we dont have a lattice whereby we track state and move
> form one to another.. we just track currently best known values for
> everything and recalculate them when the old values are stale.   We move
> the edge to unexecutable when those values allow us to rewrite a branch
> such that an edge can no longer be taken. everything else is executable.
>    Any values on an unexecutable edge are then considered UNDEFINED when
> combined with other values..
> > Btw, I fail to see how the patch makes ranger assure a sane initial state of
> > EDGE_EXECUTABLE (or make its use conditional).  Is the code you patched
> > not also used on-demand?
> THe constructor for a ranger makes everything executable to start.
> Calls the same routine VRP does.
>   gimple_ranger::gimple_ranger () : tracer ("")
>   {
> @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ gimple_ranger::gimple_ranger () : tracer ("")
>     m_oracle = m_cache.oracle ();
>     if (dump_file && (param_evrp_mode & EVRP_MODE_TRACE))
>       tracer.enable_trace ();
> +  set_all_edges_as_executable (cfun);
>   }

Ah, I see.  I had the impression that with ranger we can now
do a cheap query everywhere on the range of an SSA name.  But then
the above is O(CFG size)...

I guess I'm confusing something - but yes, clearly in a ranger VRP "pass"
that all sounds OK.


> and EVRP also goes to this same effort at the start:
> evrp_range_analyzer::evrp_range_analyzer (bool update_global_ranges)
>    : stack (10), m_update_global_ranges (update_global_ranges)
> {
>    edge e;
>    edge_iterator ei;
>    basic_block bb;
>    FOR_EACH_BB_FN (bb, cfun)
>      {
>        bb->flags &= ~BB_VISITED;
>        FOR_EACH_EDGE (e, ei, bb->preds)
>          e->flags |= EDGE_EXECUTABLE;
>      }
> }
> Ranger isn't doing anything different than the ciurrent VRP's do, so I
> don't see any distinguishing difference between optimistic and
> pessimistic.  We can guarantee that we will only clear the EXECUTABLE
> flag if the edge is 100% guaranteed to be not executable.  Perhaps other
> passes/approaches aren't able to provide such guarantees in which case
> having a persistent flag wouldnt work very well..
> > That is, are you sure you're not running into wrong-code issues if you
> > for example in passes.c:execute_one_pass right before passes
> > initialize EDGE_EXECUTABLE to a random state on each edge of the function?
> >
> > Richard.
> We dont really have multiple instances running, and I'm not sure that
> should be encouraged either.  Worst case is that a new instantiation
> would "undo" some of the edges that may have been marked as unexecutable
> We'd only run into problems if we try to use a ranger from some pass
> that is using EXECUTABLE in a different way.. ie,. to not mean
> EXECUTABLE.   but that seems even more problematic to me, and those uses
> ought to be fixed.
> >> Richard.
> >>
> >>> Anyway, bootstrapped on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu with no regressions. pushed.
> >>>
> >>> Andrew
> >>>

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