> On Sep 16, 2021, at 11:05 AM, Jeff Law <jeffreya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/16/2021 1:41 AM, Richard Biener wrote:
>> ...
>> That said - yes, I'd consider a.out purely legacy and not fit
>> for the future.  But it never came up on the radar of standing
>> in the way of modernizing GCC in any area.
> I'd definitely consider a.out & SOM as purely legacy.  As long as they 
> continue to work, great, but I wouldn't make any significant investment in 
> either.  And yes, there are mechanisms in collect2 to support things like 
> global initializers/finalizers on a.out systems.

"Legacy" sounds fine.  My main concern was whether it was, or is likely to 
become soon, "deprecated" or "unsupported".  For an old platform to use legacy 
formats is perfectly sensible, for it to use deprecated mechanisms is not.

For this to work, if there are no supported debug formats for the object format 
in question -- which will be the case for a.out with STABS going away -- that 
would mean you'd get output without debug symbols.  There was a suggestion that 
this wouldn't be allowed and that it would be grounds for removing such 
platforms.  I'd rather not see things tied like that.


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