On Mon, 6 Sep 2021, Matthias Kretz wrote:

> On Monday, 6 September 2021 14:40:31 CEST Richard Biener wrote:
> > I'll note that currently a + PAREN_EXPR (b * c) is for example
> > also not contracted to PAREN_EXPR (FMA (PAREN_EXPR (a), b, c))
> > even though technically FP contraction is not association.  But
> > that's an implementation detail that could be changed.  There
> > are likely other transforms that it prevents as well that are
> > not assocations, the implementation focus was correctness
> > as to preventing association, not so much not hindering
> > unrelated optimizations.  If you run into any such issues
> > reporting a bugzilla would be welcome.
> Thanks, interesting point. I believe it might even be useful to nail down 
> that 
> behavior (i.e. document it and write a test). Because a + b * c evaluates b * 
> c before the addition in any case. So why would anyone add a PAREN_EXPR 
> around 
> b * c?

At least for integers we have transforms that do a + a * c -> a * (1 + c)
so one could think of (x/y) + (x/y)*c -> (x/y) * (1 + c) which would
then have associated the c * (x/y) multiplication ...  Or when
c is constant then a + a * C can be simplified.

> We have (std::)fma (__builtin_fma) to explicitly request contraction. 
> PAREN_EXPR seems like a good fit to inhibit contraction.

OK, I guess it should apply to PAREN_EXPR (a + a) + a as well
which then does not become 3 * PAREN_EXPR (a).  Likewise
PAREN_EXPR (a) - a might eventually not become zero (I'm not
absolutely sure about that ;))


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