2021-06-15  Bill Schmidt  <wschm...@linux.ibm.com>

        * config/rs6000/rs6000-builtin-new.def: Add ieee128-hw, dfp,
        crypto, and htm stanzas.
 gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000-builtin-new.def | 215 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 215 insertions(+)

diff --git a/gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000-builtin-new.def 
index 4b65d54d913..805bdc87acd 100644
--- a/gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000-builtin-new.def
+++ b/gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000-builtin-new.def
@@ -2811,6 +2811,221 @@
     XL_LEN_R xl_len_r {}
+; Builtins requiring hardware support for IEEE-128 floating-point.
+  fpmath _Float128 __builtin_addf128_round_to_odd (_Float128, _Float128);
+    ADDF128_ODD addkf3_odd {}
+  fpmath _Float128 __builtin_divf128_round_to_odd (_Float128, _Float128);
+    DIVF128_ODD divkf3_odd {}
+  fpmath _Float128 __builtin_fmaf128_round_to_odd (_Float128, _Float128, 
+    FMAF128_ODD fmakf4_odd {}
+  fpmath _Float128 __builtin_mulf128_round_to_odd (_Float128, _Float128);
+    MULF128_ODD mulkf3_odd {}
+  const signed int __builtin_vsx_scalar_cmp_exp_qp_eq (_Float128, _Float128);
+    VSCEQPEQ xscmpexpqp_eq_kf {}
+  const signed int __builtin_vsx_scalar_cmp_exp_qp_gt (_Float128, _Float128);
+    VSCEQPGT xscmpexpqp_gt_kf {}
+  const signed int __builtin_vsx_scalar_cmp_exp_qp_lt (_Float128, _Float128);
+    VSCEQPLT xscmpexpqp_lt_kf {}
+  const signed int __builtin_vsx_scalar_cmp_exp_qp_unordered (_Float128, 
+    VSCEQPUO xscmpexpqp_unordered_kf {}
+  fpmath _Float128 __builtin_sqrtf128_round_to_odd (_Float128);
+    SQRTF128_ODD sqrtkf2_odd {}
+  fpmath _Float128 __builtin_subf128_round_to_odd (_Float128, _Float128);
+    SUBF128_ODD subkf3_odd {}
+  fpmath double __builtin_truncf128_round_to_odd (_Float128);
+    TRUNCF128_ODD trunckfdf2_odd {}
+  const signed long long __builtin_vsx_scalar_extract_expq (_Float128);
+    VSEEQP xsxexpqp_kf {}
+  const signed __int128 __builtin_vsx_scalar_extract_sigq (_Float128);
+    VSESQP xsxsigqp_kf {}
+  const _Float128 __builtin_vsx_scalar_insert_exp_q (unsigned __int128, 
unsigned long long);
+    VSIEQP xsiexpqp_kf {}
+  const _Float128 __builtin_vsx_scalar_insert_exp_qp (_Float128, unsigned long 
+    VSIEQPF xsiexpqpf_kf {}
+  const signed int __builtin_vsx_scalar_test_data_class_qp (_Float128, const 
+    VSTDCQP xststdcqp_kf {}
+  const signed int __builtin_vsx_scalar_test_neg_qp (_Float128);
+    VSTDCNQP xststdcnegqp_kf {}
+; Decimal floating-point builtins.
+  const _Decimal64 __builtin_ddedpd (const int<2>, _Decimal64);
+    DDEDPD dfp_ddedpd_dd {}
+  const _Decimal128 __builtin_ddedpdq (const int<2>, _Decimal128);
+    DDEDPDQ dfp_ddedpd_td {}
+  const _Decimal64 __builtin_denbcd (const int<1>, _Decimal64);
+    DENBCD dfp_denbcd_dd {}
+  const _Decimal128 __builtin_denbcdq (const int<1>, _Decimal128);
+    DENBCDQ dfp_denbcd_td {}
+  const _Decimal128 __builtin_denb2dfp_v16qi (vsc);
+    DENB2DFP_V16QI dfp_denbcd_v16qi {}
+  const _Decimal64 __builtin_diex (signed long long, _Decimal64);
+    DIEX dfp_diex_dd {}
+  const _Decimal128 __builtin_diexq (signed long long, _Decimal128);
+    DIEXQ dfp_diex_td {}
+  const _Decimal64 __builtin_dscli (_Decimal64, const int<6>);
+    DSCLI dfp_dscli_dd {}
+  const _Decimal128 __builtin_dscliq (_Decimal128, const int<6>);
+    DSCLIQ dfp_dscli_td {}
+  const _Decimal64 __builtin_dscri (_Decimal64, const int<6>);
+    DSCRI dfp_dscri_dd {}
+  const _Decimal128 __builtin_dscriq (_Decimal128, const int<6>);
+    DSCRIQ dfp_dscri_td {}
+  const signed long long __builtin_dxex (_Decimal64);
+    DXEX dfp_dxex_dd {}
+  const signed long long __builtin_dxexq (_Decimal128);
+    DXEXQ dfp_dxex_td {}
+  const _Decimal128 __builtin_pack_dec128 (unsigned long long, unsigned long 
+    PACK_TD packtd {}
+  void __builtin_set_fpscr_drn (const int[0,7]);
+    SET_FPSCR_DRN rs6000_set_fpscr_drn {}
+  const unsigned long __builtin_unpack_dec128 (_Decimal128, const int<1>);
+    UNPACK_TD unpacktd {}
+  const vull __builtin_crypto_vcipher (vull, vull);
+    VCIPHER crypto_vcipher_v2di {}
+  const vuc __builtin_crypto_vcipher_be (vuc, vuc);
+    VCIPHER_BE crypto_vcipher_v16qi {}
+  const vull __builtin_crypto_vcipherlast (vull, vull);
+    VCIPHERLAST crypto_vcipherlast_v2di {}
+  const vuc __builtin_crypto_vcipherlast_be (vuc, vuc);
+    VCIPHERLAST_BE crypto_vcipherlast_v16qi {}
+  const vull __builtin_crypto_vncipher (vull, vull);
+    VNCIPHER crypto_vncipher_v2di {}
+  const vuc __builtin_crypto_vncipher_be (vuc, vuc);
+    VNCIPHER_BE crypto_vncipher_v16qi {}
+  const vull __builtin_crypto_vncipherlast (vull, vull);
+    VNCIPHERLAST crypto_vncipherlast_v2di {}
+  const vuc __builtin_crypto_vncipherlast_be (vuc, vuc);
+    VNCIPHERLAST_BE crypto_vncipherlast_v16qi {}
+  const vull __builtin_crypto_vsbox (vull);
+    VSBOX crypto_vsbox_v2di {}
+  const vuc __builtin_crypto_vsbox_be (vuc);
+    VSBOX_BE crypto_vsbox_v16qi {}
+  const vull __builtin_crypto_vshasigmad (vull, const int<1>, const int<4>);
+    VSHASIGMAD crypto_vshasigmad {}
+  const vui __builtin_crypto_vshasigmaw (vui, const int<1>, const int<4>);
+    VSHASIGMAW crypto_vshasigmaw {}
+  unsigned long long __builtin_get_texasr ();
+    GET_TEXASR nothing {htm,htmspr}
+  unsigned long long __builtin_get_texasru ();
+    GET_TEXASRU nothing {htm,htmspr}
+  unsigned long long __builtin_get_tfhar ();
+    GET_TFHAR nothing {htm,htmspr}
+  unsigned long long __builtin_get_tfiar ();
+    GET_TFIAR nothing {htm,htmspr}
+  void __builtin_set_texasr (unsigned long long);
+    SET_TEXASR nothing {htm,htmspr}
+  void __builtin_set_texasru (unsigned long long);
+    SET_TEXASRU nothing {htm,htmspr}
+  void __builtin_set_tfhar (unsigned long long);
+    SET_TFHAR nothing {htm,htmspr}
+  void __builtin_set_tfiar (unsigned long long);
+    SET_TFIAR nothing {htm,htmspr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tabort (unsigned int);
+    TABORT tabort {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tabortdc (unsigned long long, unsigned long long, 
unsigned long long);
+    TABORTDC tabortdc {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tabortdci (unsigned long long, unsigned long long, 
unsigned long long);
+    TABORTDCI tabortdci {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tabortwc (unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
+    TABORTWC tabortwc {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tabortwci (unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
+    TABORTWCI tabortwci {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tbegin (unsigned int);
+    TBEGIN tbegin {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tcheck ();
+    TCHECK tcheck {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tend (unsigned int);
+    TEND tend {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tendall ();
+    TENDALL tend {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_trechkpt ();
+    TRECHKPT trechkpt {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_treclaim (unsigned int);
+    TRECLAIM treclaim {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tresume ();
+    TRESUME tsr {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tsr (unsigned int);
+    TSR tsr {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_tsuspend ();
+    TSUSPEND tsr {htm,htmcr}
+  unsigned int __builtin_ttest ();
+    TTEST ttest {htm,htmcr}
   const vbq __builtin_altivec_cmpge_1ti (vsq, vsq);
     CMPGE_1TI vector_nltv1ti {}

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