On 6/29/21 5:54 PM, Arnaud Charlet wrote:
In particular can you explain the motivation behind all the changes in the
gcc/ada/doc directory?

1) All Sphinx manuals live in a directory where index page is called index.rst. 
That's why
I moved e.g. this: gcc/ada/doc/{gnat_rm.rst => gnat_rm/index.rst}
2) I moved latex_elements.py to ada_latex_elements.py as it clashes with Sphinx 
global variable
you modify in Sphinx config files
3) I created a shared Ada config (adabaseconf.py) that extends doc/baseconf.py 
and sets what
is shared in between 3 Ada manuals.
4) gnu_free_documentation_license.rst is taken from $root/doc/

OK, this is really lots of changes, if we could minimize these changes
that would be best (and sorry but posting a link to a tarball also doesn't
help reviews, it was actually better with a link to a git repo previously...

All right, ideally please pull my branch:

which I force push once I rebase it. One can fetch the branch with:
$ git fetch origin refs/users/marxin/heads/sphinx-v4

At least the Ada part itself shouldn't be too big in particular once
simplified so could be posted standalone).

Sorry, but the patch is still 400 kB when using zstd -22. Actually, the change 
is very small
if you ignore renames of the 3 files:

 gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi                                        |   954
 gcc/ada/gnat_rm.texi                                           | 29822
 gcc/ada/gnat_ugn.texi                                          | 29232

The only significant change is refactoring of the conf.py config.



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