No test as no change in behavior. This is for gprbuild.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2012-02-08  Pascal Obry  <>

        *, prj.adb (For_Project_And_Aggregated_Context): New
        generic routine with a context parameter.

Index: prj.adb
--- prj.adb     (revision 183996)
+++ prj.adb     (working copy)
@@ -1863,6 +1863,56 @@
       end if;
    end For_Project_And_Aggregated;
+   ----------------------------------------
+   -- For_Project_And_Aggregated_Context --
+   ----------------------------------------
+   procedure For_Project_And_Aggregated_Context
+     (Root_Project : Project_Id;
+      Root_Tree    : Project_Tree_Ref)
+   is
+      procedure Recursive_Process
+        (Project : Project_Id;
+         Tree    : Project_Tree_Ref;
+         Context : Project_Context);
+      --  Process Project and all aggregated projects recursively
+      -----------------------
+      -- Recursive_Process --
+      -----------------------
+      procedure Recursive_Process
+        (Project : Project_Id;
+         Tree    : Project_Tree_Ref;
+         Context : Project_Context)
+      is
+         Agg : Aggregated_Project_List;
+         Ctx : Project_Context;
+      begin
+         Action (Project, Tree, Context);
+         if Project.Qualifier in Aggregate_Project then
+            Ctx :=
+              (In_Aggregate_Lib      => True,
+               From_Encapsulated_Lib =>
+                 Context.From_Encapsulated_Lib
+                   or else
+                 Project.Standalone_Library = Encapsulated);
+            Agg := Project.Aggregated_Projects;
+            while Agg /= null loop
+               Recursive_Process (Agg.Project, Agg.Tree, Ctx);
+               Agg := Agg.Next;
+            end loop;
+         end if;
+      end Recursive_Process;
+   begin
+      Recursive_Process
+        (Root_Project, Root_Tree, Project_Context'(False, False));
+   end For_Project_And_Aggregated_Context;
 --  Package initialization for Prj
---     (revision 183996)
+++     (working copy)
@@ -1621,7 +1621,18 @@
       With_State         : in out State;
       Include_Aggregated : Boolean := True;
       Imported_First     : Boolean := False);
+   --  As above but with an associated context
+   generic
+      with procedure Action
+        (Project : Project_Id;
+         Tree    : Project_Tree_Ref;
+         Context : Project_Context);
+   procedure For_Project_And_Aggregated_Context
+     (Root_Project : Project_Id;
+      Root_Tree    : Project_Tree_Ref);
+   --  As above but with an associated context
    function Extend_Name
      (File        : File_Name_Type;
       With_Suffix : String) return File_Name_Type;

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