On Sun, 29 Jan 2012, Diego Novillo wrote: > +<li><code>internal_error</code> is used for conditions that should not > +be triggered by any user input whether valid or invalid and including > +invalid asms and LTO binary data (sometimes, as an exception, there is > +a call to <code>error</code> before further information is printed and > +an ICE is triggered).</li> > + > +<li>Assertion failures should not be triggered by invalid input. > +<code>inform</code> is for informative notes accompanying errors and > +warnings. All diagnostics should be full sentences without English > +fragments substituted in them, to facilitate translation.</li>
The three sentences in this last list item are actually three independent and unrelated points. I think the first one about assertion failures should be moved up into the previous list item, while the remaining two sentences should each be a list item on its own. -- Joseph S. Myers jos...@codesourcery.com