The attached patch documents the new Fortran options
-freal-N-real-M and -finteger-4-integer-8.  These
options are used for promoting all entities of the 
first type to entities of the second type.

OK to commit?

PS: Is there a ChangeLog file for the wwwdoc repository?

Index: changes.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/gcc-4.7/changes.html,v
retrieving revision 1.74
diff -c -p -r1.74 changes.html
*** changes.html	16 Jan 2012 08:39:01 -0000	1.74
--- changes.html	18 Jan 2012 18:05:27 -0000
*************** well.</p></li>
*** 421,426 ****
--- 421,439 ----
  <h3 id="fortran">Fortran</h3>
+     <li>The compile options <a
+       href=">
+       <code>-freal-N-real-M</code></a> have been added.  These options promote
+       all entities on type <code>REAL(N)</code> to <code>REAL(M)</code>, where
+       <code>N</code> and <code>M</code> can be 4 and 8 and, if available,
+       10 and 16.
+     </li>
+     <li> The compile option <a
+       href=">
+       <code>-finteger-4-integer-8</code></a> has been added.  This option
+       promotes all entities of type <code>INTEGER(4)</code> to
+       <code>INTEGER(8)</code>.
+     </li>
      <li>The compile flag <a
        ><code>-fstack-arrays</code></a> has been added, which causes

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