Hi Maciej:

Thanks for sharing your experience on MIPS, that sounds like just
opposite derived directions to this scheme.

>  The MIPS port used to have `-mcpu=' as well, which used to be roughly
> equivalent to modern `-mtune='; from your description I gather `-mcpu=' is
> going to be roughly equivalent to a combination of `-mtune=' and `-march='
> setting DFA scheduling for a specific CPU and the instruction set to the
> underlying architecture

Yes, -mcpu= -mtune + march is what I would like to do,
and that's what RISC-V clang/LLVM do currently, although RISC-V
clang/LLVM didn't have -mtune options yet, but I plan to implement
one to make two compiler interfaces more closer.

> (do we plan to allow vendor extensions?).

I guess vendor extensions supporting is another big issue for RISC-V GCC... :P

> In which case to compile a set of CPU-specific modules to be linked together
> (e.g. individual platform support in a generic piece of software like an
> OS kernel or a bare metal library) you'll always have to specify the ABI
> explicitly (though maybe you want anyway, hmm).
>  FWIW,
>   Maciej

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