Rather simple patch.

Build and regtested on x86-64-linux.
OK for the trunk?

2012-01-08  Tobias Burnus  <bur...@net-b.de>

	PR fortran/51652
	* resolve.c (resolve_allocate_expr): For non-deferred char lengths,
	check whether type-spec matches declaration.

2012-01-08  Tobias Burnus  <bur...@net-b.de>

	PR fortran/51652
	* gfortran.dg/allocate_with_typespec_5.f90: New.

Index: gcc/fortran/resolve.c
--- gcc/fortran/resolve.c	(Revision 182995)
+++ gcc/fortran/resolve.c	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -5683,8 +5683,10 @@ get_declared_from_expr (gfc_ref **class_ref, gfc_r
-  if (declared == NULL)
+  if (declared == NULL && e->expr_type == EXPR_VARIABLE)
     declared = e->symtree->n.sym->ts.u.derived;
+  else
+    declared = e->ts.u.derived;
   return declared;
@@ -6989,6 +6991,19 @@ resolve_allocate_expr (gfc_expr *e, gfc_code *code
       goto failure;
+  if (code->ext.alloc.ts.type == BT_CHARACTER && !e->ts.deferred)
+    {
+      int cmp = gfc_dep_compare_expr (e->ts.u.cl->length,
+				      code->ext.alloc.ts.u.cl->length);
+      if (cmp == 1 || cmp == -1 || cmp == -3)
+	{
+	  gfc_error ("Allocating %s at %L with type-spec requires the same "
+		     "character-length parameter as in the declaration",
+		     sym->name, &e->where);
+	  goto failure;
+	}
+    }
   /* In the variable definition context checks, gfc_expr_attr is used
      on the expression.  This is fooled by the array specification
      present in e, thus we have to eliminate that one temporarily.  */
Index: gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/allocate_with_typespec_5.f90
--- gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/allocate_with_typespec_5.f90	(Revision 0)
+++ gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/allocate_with_typespec_5.f90	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+! { dg-do compile }
+! PR fortran/51652
+! Contributed by David Kinniburgh
+module settings
+type keyword
+  character(60), allocatable :: c(:)
+end type keyword
+type(keyword) :: kw(10)
+subroutine save_kw
+  allocate(character(80) :: kw(1)%c(10)) ! { dg-error "with type-spec requires the same character-length parameter" }
+end subroutine save_kw
+subroutine foo(n)
+  character(len=n+2), allocatable :: x
+  allocate (character(len=n+3) :: x) ! { dg-error "type-spec requires the same character-length parameter" }
+end subroutine foo
+end module settings

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