On Tue, Aug 04, 2020 at 05:54:18PM +0200, Tobias Burnus wrote:
> I am not sure whether the following code is supposed
> to work but the "x = 5" is never converted into
> tree-code in gfc_trans_omp_do – hence, it makes sense
> to error out. (I have the feeling that this needs to
> be revisited for OpenMP 5.x.)

Yes 5.0 allows this, but we don't handle that yet.
And I'm afraid I have quite a few questions that need to be discussed :(

> (The equivalent C/C++ code is rejected, see PR.)
>    !$omp parallel do collapse(3)
>    do i = 1, 8
>       do j = 1, 8
>         do k = 1, 8
>         end do
>         x = 5  ! <<<
>       end do
>    end do
> OK?

Ok, thanks.


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