Hi, Martin,

On May 26, 2020, Martin Liška <mli...@suse.cz> wrote:

>> I've long used the following syntax to start ChangeLog entries:
>> for  <some/dir>/ChangeLog

> Ah, it's new for me.

>> It was introduced over 20 years ago, with the (so far never formally
>> released) GNU CVS-Utilities.  Among other goodies, there were scripts to
>> turn diffs for ChangeLog files into the above format, and vice-versa,
>> that I've used to this day.  It went through cvs, svn and git.  It would
>> be quite nice if I could keep on using it with GCC.             ^^

For clarity, I meant the syntax in the last sentence above.  The
ChangeLog-related functionality in the scripts now becomes mostly

>> The patch below seems to be enough to pass gcc-verify, and to recognize
>> and print the expected ChangeLog files.

'cept it broke cases without 'for' because I missed a '?' in the
regexp.  Good thing I had to adjust for the old format to be able to
push it ;-)  2x0 ;-)

>> Do any hooks need to be adjusted to match?

> Yes, we sync the script from the GCC repository.

Here's what I'm about to push

accept for dir/ChangeLog entries

From: Alexandre Oliva <ol...@gnu.org>

I've long introduced ChangeLog entries as "for  dir/ChangeLog", a
format adopted by GNU CVS-Utilities some 20 years ago.  My commits
have been formatted like this forever.

This patch makes it acceptable for git gcc-verify.


        * gcc-changelog/git_commit.py (changelog_regex): Accept optional
        'for' prefix.
 contrib/gcc-changelog/git_commit.py |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/contrib/gcc-changelog/git_commit.py 
index 2cfdbc8..732a9bd8 100755
--- a/contrib/gcc-changelog/git_commit.py
+++ b/contrib/gcc-changelog/git_commit.py
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ misc_files = [
 author_line_regex = \
         re.compile(r'^(?P<datetime>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\ {2}(?P<name>.*  <.*>)')
 additional_author_regex = re.compile(r'^\t(?P<spaces>\ *)?(?P<name>.*  <.*>)')
-changelog_regex = re.compile(r'^([a-z0-9+-/]*)/ChangeLog:?')
+changelog_regex = re.compile(r'^(?:[fF]or +)?([a-z0-9+-/]*)/ChangeLog:?')
 pr_regex = re.compile(r'\tPR (?P<component>[a-z+-]+\/)?([0-9]+)$')
 dr_regex = re.compile(r'\tDR ([0-9]+)$')
 star_prefix_regex = re.compile(r'\t\*(?P<spaces>\ *)(?P<content>.*)')

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter    he/him    https://FSFLA.org/blogs/lxo/
Free Software Evangelist              Stallman was right, but he's left :(
GNU Toolchain Engineer           Live long and free, and prosper ethically

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