
Thanks very much for the review.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 5:21 AM Tobias Burnus <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 4/6/20 7:25 PM, Fritz Reese via Fortran wrote:
> > The attached patch fixes PR 87923 while also simplifying the code in
> > io.c.
> Thanks for the work, which looks great; it is a bit lengthy
> but mostly moving code or mechanical (%C → %L).
> It also has an impressive amount of new test cases!

I also wished the patch could be easier on the eyes, but alas
sometimes this is the price of progress. :-)

> * First line in git commit "Fix fortran/87923 -- ICE(s) when resolving I/O 
> tags."
>    It helps with doing patch archeology if they are the same – or if the GIT 
> one
>    is a substring of the email subject. (If it is about a PR, searching for 
> the PR
>    usually works, but also not al emails have the PR number in the subject.)
>    For this patch, you use:
>    email: "[PATCH, Fortran] -- PR fortran/87923 -- fix ICE when resolving I/O 
> tags and simplify io.c"
>    GIT: "Fix fortran/87923 -- ICE(s) when resolving I/O tags."

Yes, that is a good point. I will alter the commit summary to match
the email subject.

> * Please check whether the ChangeLog lines are too long; I didn't count
>    but it looks as if they might be too long. For sure, they
>    were too long for your mail program …

I copied the git commit message from the log, which git formats with
an extra level of indentation. I wrapped the raw ChangeLog entries and
commit message to 80 characters, but after the extra indentation my
mail client indeed wrapped the lines during post-processing. I suppose
I should wrap these each to 76 to account for git's indentation. That
certainly makes "git log" look better.

> * In the following comment, you have two empty tailing lines:
> +   Tag expressions are already resolved by resolve_tag, which includes
> +   verifying the type, that they are scalar, and verifying that BT_CHARACTER
> +   tags are of default kind.
> +
> +   */


I will commit the patch with these fixes rebased on master after one
final build+test. Thanks again for taking a look.


Fritz Reese

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