On Tue, 3 Mar 2020, Claudiu Zissulescu wrote:
> Add ARC entry for gcc-10/changes.html

What do you think of the following refinement to mark up 
mov and ior as code?


PS: And thanks for your other feedback, Martin!

diff --git a/htdocs/gcc-10/changes.html b/htdocs/gcc-10/changes.html
index 710e3863..5ba388cf 100644
--- a/htdocs/gcc-10/changes.html
+++ b/htdocs/gcc-10/changes.html
@@ -562,9 +562,9 @@ a work-in-progress.</p>
   <li>The interrupt service routine functions save all used
   registers, including extension registers and auxiliary registers
   used by Zero Overhead Loops.</li>
-  <li>Improve code size by using multiple short instructions instead
-  of a single long mov or ior instruction when its long immediate
-  constant is known.</li>
+  <li>Improve code size by using multiple short instructions instead of
+  a single long <code>mov</code> or <code>ior</code> instruction when its
+  long immediate constant is known.</li>
   <li>Fix usage of the accumulator register for ARC600.</li>
   <li>Fix issues with <code>uncached</code> attribute.</li>
   <li>Remove <code>-mq-class</code> option.</li>

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