On 24/02/20 21:53 -0500, Thomas Rodgers wrote:
+    bool
+    _S_futex_wait_until(int* __addr, int __val,
+                       bool __has_timeout = false,
+                       std::chrono::seconds __s = std::chrono::seconds::zero(),
+                       std::chrono::nanoseconds __ns = 
+    {
+      if (!__has_timeout)
+       {
+         syscall (SYS_futex, __addr, 0, __val, nullptr);
+         // Can't do anything about an error here except abort, so ignore it.
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         struct timeval __tv;
+         gettimeofday(&__tv, NULL);
+         struct timespec __rt;
+         __rt.tv_sec = __s.count() - __tv.tv_sec;
+         __rt.tv_nsec = __ns.count() - __tv.tv_usec * 1000;
+         if (__rt.tv_nsec < 0)
+           {
+             __rt.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
+             --__rt.tv_sec;
+           }
+         if (__rt.tv_sec < 0)
+           return false;
+         if (syscall (SYS_futex, __addr, 0, __val, &__rt) == -1)

This syscall has the same problem as https://gcc.gnu.org/PR93421 so we
should avoid introducing a new instance of the bug.

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