2011/12/13 Miles Bader <mi...@gnu.org>:
> Jonathan Wakely <jwakely....@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>> How about "...; suggest adding the using keyword"?
>>>> That sounds like the compiler is suggesting that the user suggests
>>>> doing that!
>>> It is similar to "suggest parentheses ...".
>> Good point, that's not correct English either, but it would be consistent.
>> ("Suggest X" is an imperative, telling the user to suggest X.  The
>> intention is for the compiler to suggest it, not tell the user to
>> suggest it, so the correct grammar would be "GCC suggests X".)
> How about "; suggestion: use parentheses" or "; suggestion: add the
> `using' keyword" (using whatever convention for quoting code).

Sounds good. Since nobody has objected yet, I am going to prepare the
complete patch, to submit it probably at the end of the week.


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